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Educators in Switzerland respond with enthusiasm to Maharishi's Consciousness-Based Education
by Global Good News staff writer

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20 December 2006

Educators in Switzerland, Austria and Germany respond with enthusiasm to Maharishi's Consciousness-Based Approach to Education

Part 1: Switzerland

Quantum physicist, Dr Ashley Deans, is director of the Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, which has enjoyed twenty years of success as a result of the entire student body practising Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme twice a day as part of their curriculum.

At the Maharishi School, Upper School grades consistently score in the top one per cent on standardized tests, both in Iowa and nationally, and the school has won over a hundred state, national, and international championships in the past decade.

According to Dr Pat Bassett, President of the National Association of Independent Schools, USA, 'Maharishi School is a world-renowned independent school of the highest calibre.'

For the last few months Dr Deans has been travelling constantly to promote consciousness-based education in countries around the world and recently completed a tour through Switzerland, Austria and Germany.

The goal of the tour in Switzerland was two-fold. Firstly, to inspire people to establish four Maharishi Schools, one each in Zurich, Bern, Basel, and Geneva. Each school to have 300 Yogic Flying students, which will be sufficient to create integrated national consciousness in Switzerland and to bring complete invincibility to the nation. Secondly, already existing schools were inspired to implement Maharishi's consciousness-based education into their curriculum.

The tour began in Zurich with a press conference at the beautiful 400-room facility of the Maharishi Vedic University. At the press conference plans were announced to establish four Maharishi Invincibility schools as well as to introduce Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi Programme including Yogic Flying into the existing public and private schools of the country.

Following the press conference was a lecture at the Pedagogical Institute, well attended by educators from throughout Zurich and much appreciated.

Educators were interested to hear how Maharishi's Consciousness-Based Education gives students stress-free education through the experience of Transcendental Consciousness, the field of Total Knowledge. Dr Deans emphasized how the experience of the field of Total Knowledge, the Unified Field within every student, creates total, integrated brain development.

He went on to explain how groups of students practicing Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme including Yogic Flying, are able to create a shield of invincibility around the nation. When students are able to function from that level of Natural Law where everything is connected, then a very small fraction of the population, equal to the square root of one per cent, is sufficient to decrease the acute social stress in society, radiate an indomitable influence of coherence, and create integrated national consciousness- invincibility. When that is attained, negativity cannot enter the country from outside nor bubble up from within and create problems.

The tour then went on to Bern, where they spoke at the University. It was inspiring for the speakers to see a great phase transition in the consciousness of leading educators as they began to grasp the validity of what they were hearing.

From Bern the tour went to the University of Geneva, where Maharishi spoke in 1968. This lecture was also very well attended and again the audience responded in a very positive way with a wave of enthusiasm at the end. Many Teachers of Transcendental Meditation in attendance have committed themselves to establishing a Maharishi School of Invincibility in Geneva with 300 Yogic Flying students.

Finally, the tour of Switzerland ended at the University of Basel where a large group responded with great enthusiasm to the knowledge presented.

It was a very fulfilling tour, and it was clear that very soon Switzerland will enjoy integrated national consciousness.

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