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Dr. Hagelin teaches courses, physics minor begins
by Patricia Boland

The M.U.M. Review    Translate This Article
14 December 2005

Following two very successful national university campus tours this fall, Dr. John Hagelin is again teaching the first-year physics course this year, and will also teach a course in Block 10. His active involvement in teaching, the hiring of new faculty, and the recent establishment of a physics minor are re-enlivening the study of physics on campus - a discipline that's long been central to the curriculum.

Nearly 60 students, most of them first-year students, are currently taking the first-year physics course, and getting a taste of what the newly reinstated minor program in physics will offer - the connections between consciousness and the study of physics.

'The course is really wonderful, especially listening to Dr. Hagelin,' said Gaelyn Hutchinson from Fairfield. 'It's not calculus-based and it gets into theoretical physics, which is what I really love.'

Sheer-el Cohen agrees. He'd heard of Dr. Hagelin's credentials and reputation as a gifted speaker on theoretical physics and its relation to Maharishi Vedic Science(SM). 'But now I see that he's a really good teacher,' Mr. Cohen said. 'He makes the knowledge so much clearer. Everybody's having a blast and really appreciating it. It's wonderful.'

According to recently hired physics professor David Scharf, who is assisting Dr. Hagelin, the course is unique. It gives a deep and non-mathematical understanding of the differences between classical and quantum physics. It also gives students experience and understanding of the interconnectedness between the laws of physics, the universe, and themselves.

'At most universities students would take a first-year physics course that is non-technical, but it would just be macroscopic everyday physics,' Dr. Scharf said. 'It would not be until graduate school that you would start studying quantum field theory or superstrings. Dr. Hagelin is explaining the deepest ideas of advanced physics to our first-year students. And what's more important, he is explaining the integration of consciousness and advanced physics. It's really a rare experience for students.'

'I treasure these courses and the opportunity to explore the most up-to-date concepts of modern physics with such brilliant, enlightened, blissful students,' Dr. Hagelin said. 'The classroom atmosphere is always so inspiring, nourishing, and energized - exactly what Consciousness-Based education is all about. But this year, the students seem especially intent on total knowledge and enlightenment. It is inspiring to see, and to teach, such students.'

In Block 10 Dr. Hagelin will teach 'The Evolution of Physics: From Einstein to Maharishi,' which will also be minimally mathematical and emphasize the principles and concrete examples from physics that illuminate the foundations of Maharishi Vedic Science.

Copyright © 2005, Maharishi University of Management

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