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'Daily Reset - A look into Transcendental Meditation'
by Mario Orsatti

Transcendental Meditation Blog    Translate This Article
18 December 2013

Below is an excerpt from Josh Zabar's recent blog about his experience learning and practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique.

Josh is a Partner and Curator at Summit, an events- and community-focused organization that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship. Since 2008, Summit has hosted an annual three-day event called Summit Series, which brings together entrepreneurs, musicians, nonprofit founders, and other multi-disciplinary leaders. Summit events have helped raise tens of millions of dollars for business and nonprofit ventures.


''Daily Reset—A Look Into Transcendental Meditation'' by Josh Zabar

'Calming the mind is a very challenging thing to do, but when you begin to grasp just how to do it . . . even for just a few minutes a day, your life can change dramatically. I began practicing Transcendental Meditation (TM) in March of 2013. The process for teaching TM only takes an hour or so over a four-day period.

'TM's goal is not to clear your mind and it's not to observe your thoughts and feelings as in Zen or Buddhist meditation. Instead, it's just to sit in a 'space' that you create and relax, and whatever happens in that 20 minutes, happens.

'Its ability to enhance creativity, create a sense of calm, and release deep inner stress makes TM one of the most scientifically studied and successful practices for increasing longevity, de-stressing, and finding relaxation.

The Mind as an Ocean:

''My TM teacher described the active mind as a cross-section of the ocean. The top is laden with an endless flow of waves of varying sizes. The bottom is a deep, slow, silent, and still abyss of quiet and nothingness. A person's functioning mind during a normal day is akin to the top of the ocean, consistently battered up and down by powerful currents. During TM, one can enter a state of restfulness that propels the mind downwards, towards the bottom of the ocean, where the mind can be still, slow, and relaxed.

''TM has already made a substantial impact in my life. I've noticed significant differences in the way I think, act, and treat others. The annoyances of life seem to disappear as I've realized that they don't or shouldn't really matter at all.

''I've gained acceptance of others who I've often begrudged, and I've become far more likeable to a number of people who were irritated by the 'my way or the highway' attitude I once held dear and was proud of. . . .

''TM has enabled me to create a space between my thoughts and my actions. Read that again: TM has enabled me to create a space between my thoughts and my actions. So before I started meditating, I may have been in a situation where I reacted harshly and abruptly due to something that I felt was affecting me negatively. Now, if that same situation happens, there is a calm space, a serene environment that lasts maybe a few milliseconds but feels like an eternity before I act where I can actually 'choose' the reaction that I want to have. Now that's true power.''


Josh Zabar is one of the leaders of Summit Series, a forum for new ideas that Fast Company has called ''the next TED,'' and which has labeled ''a hipper Davos.''*

In October 2013 for his dedicated work in running The Summit, Josh was one of the winners of the 2013 Leaders Award presented by the popular men's magazine GQ—Gentlemen's Quarterly. The annual award is meant to raise awareness for the issues essential to modern men.

On top of the honor that goes with it, the award provides the winners with a significant sum of money which they can award to their favorite charity. Josh chose to support the David Lynch Foundation with his award.

''My donation as a winner of the 2013 Leaders Award is being made to the David Lynch Foundation, to support their efforts teaching veterans and at-risk youth Transcendental Meditation—the gift that keeps on giving.''

Related posts:

1. ''The Totally Stressed-Out Man's Guide to Meditation''
2. Transcendental Meditation helps businesses improve communication, productivity
3. Veteran Gets Her Life Back with Transcendental Meditation
4. Oprah's Next Chapter: Meditation—In 'America's Most Unusual Town'
5. Calvin Klein's Creative Design Director: Transcendental Meditation enlivens intuition

SOURCE: Transcendental Meditation Blog

* Davos, Switzerland, venue for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, 'an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas'.

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