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'Water the root and enjoy the fruit,' says David Lynch
by Global Good News staff writer

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13 December 2011

The recent gala benefit, Change Begins Within, was organized by the David Lynch Foundation in order to raise funds and awareness for the beneficial uses of Transcendental Meditation in the field of education and traumatic stress reduction. At the gala, award-winning film director David Lynch gave one of the key speeches.

In his speech, Mr Lynch began with a painting he himself had created. The painting depicted a luminous fruit-bearing tree, glowing at every level, from the roots to the leaves.

Mr Lynch explained that the tree represents a phrase used by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to describe Transcendental Meditation and its benefits: 'Water the root and enjoy the fruit.' The tree is glowing with perfection, said Mr Lynch, because it's been watered very well.

'But if you imagine this tree without the glow, without the fruit, and take a bunch of the leaves and turn them yellow, and another bunch of leaves turn them brown, weaken the branches and have them bend. This is the way so many of us find ourselves today,' Mr Lynch remarked.

He then talked about how to address this problem.

'Unfortunately, most of the cures people come up with are surface cures. And surface cures do not address the big problem. Surface cures are like tending to this tree on the level of the leaves, trying to get the yellow leaves green again, the brown leaves yellow and then green again. And maybe we get a yellow leaf green, but by the time we do, six or seven healthy leaves have turned yellow or brown behind us.'

Then what is the alternative to surface cures? Mr Lynch explained, 'The experienced gardener, they say, doesn't worry about working at the level of the leaves or the branches. The experienced gardener waters the root.'

Through this one action, the tree becomes perfect automatically.

In the next part of his speech, Mr Lynch explained how Transcendental Meditation is the equivalent of watering the root for human life.

Related articles:
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Leaders of society from Los Angeles and around US attend Change Begins Within gala
Change Begins Within gala in Los Angeles a great success

Global Good News will continue to feature the 3 December 2011 Change Begins Within gala in Los Angeles.

© Copyright 2011 Global Good News®

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