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Role of the Festival of Lights, to bless every home with abundance; President Chissano's visit to Maharishi Vedic City - Dr Bevan Morris
by Global Good News staff writer

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20 October 2009

During the global celebration on 17 October 2009 of the auspicious day of Dipavali, the Festival of Lights, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, opened the live webcast with reflections on the significance of celebrating Mahalakshmi, the administering intelligence of Natural Law, to bestow wealth, prosperity, and bliss on every individual and nation. Dr Morris also commented on two special circumstances surrounding this year's celebration.

Please also see 'Global Country of World Peace celebrates affluence and prosperity for every individual and nation' for a summary of the 17 October 2009 broadcast.

Connected to the celebration via teleconference from Maharishi Vedic City, USA, Dr Morris began by reflecting on the great value which Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, always placed on the day of Dipavali.

'Our beloved Maharishi gave to us all the Vedic calendar to accelerate the evolution of individual and collective life, and this has been an incredible blessing to us all. Maharishi's blessed Vedic Pandits enliven throughout the year the great principles of the administration of the life of the universe from the level of Purushottama*; and today in that sequence, the Festival of Light, which brilliantly enlightens the whole year. Every year Maharishi would celebrate Mahalakshmi on this day—Mahalakshmi, which is to say the supreme principle of abundance in creation—which, under Maharishi's inspiration, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam found seated in the heart of every human being, for every household on earth to be filled with abundance—physical, mental and spiritual wealth.'

Continuing, Dr Morris noted the significance of a special visit by President Joaquim Alberto Chissano, former president of Mozambique, to Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, and Maharishi Vedic City, during the time of these auspicious celebrations. 'It is very fulfilling to us here in Maharishi Vedic City,' he said, 'with all the Rajas who are residing in this great city, that on this auspicious day, President Chissano has come and is celebrating the Festival of Light with us all.' Dr Morris described how President Chissano was warmly greeted in the traditional Vedic fashion by the 1,000 Maharishi Vedic Pandits residing in Maharishi Vedic City, and participated in the Pandits' traditional Vedic Recitations for the Mahalakshmi celebration.

'President Chissano is most certainly the most enlightened president in the modern history of world,' Dr Morris said, 'who with open heart took the blessings of Maharishi's teaching and applied it to his nation, through 13,000 soldiers learning the Transcendental Meditation Programme and 3,000 becoming practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme. This resulted in the end of a 17-year civil war, the end of drought, and growth of prosperity for the nation.** And that peace, balance of nature, and growing wealth has been continuing for 17 years since he introduced Maharishi's programmes into his own life, to his family, his cabinet, and to his whole military and to the nation. We all consider it highly auspicious that he is here at this moment, and that he was garlanded and greeted by Maharishi's Vedic Pandits today.'

Global Good News will feature the conclusion of Dr Morris' comments on the Dipavali celebration in the coming days.

Video highlights from the 17 October celebration are currently being replayed online, on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3; please check the Maharishi Channel Schedule pages for daily updates.

* Maharishi has described Purushottama as Totality, total Natural Law, the supreme value of Purusha (infinite silence, the Self)—the state of Unity which administers the infinite diversity of the universe, the Constitution of the Universe.

** For more about Maharishi's Invincible Defence programmes, please visit: Invincible Defence and 'Maharishi offers invincible defence to every government'.

© Copyright 2009 Global Good News®

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For the good news about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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