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Transcendental Meditation helps businesses improve communication, productivity
by Mario Orsatti    Translate This Article
24 June 2013

Businesses are increasingly aware of the need to reduce employee stress and improve job satisfaction. Here's some information that has put business leaders on the alert:

∙ The 2012 Workplace Survey released by the American Psychological Association suggests that a growing number of Americans report chronic work-related stress. 41% said they ''feel tense or stressed out during the workday,'' an uptick from last year's 36% figure.

∙ Stress has been called ''the health epidemic of the 21st century'' by the World Health Organization (WHO) and is now estimated to cost American businesses as much as $300 billion a year in absenteeism, lower productivity, staff turnover, workers' compensation, and other stress-related expenses.

∙ Business leaders are increasingly concerned about skyrocketing insurance rates and health care costs.


Research has consistently shown the stress-reducing effects of the Transcendental Meditation program. Studies conducted in businesses where the TM technique has been made available to employees have shown that it decreases health care utilization and anxiety, and increases efficiency, productivity and job satisfaction.

The video below was recently produced by a business in Australia. It's among a growing number of inspiring ''case studies'' of how the TM technique can affect a business environment.

Global Good News will feature excerpts from the video—the CEO and other managers of the business describing benefits they have found from Transcendental Meditation practice in their personal lives and many positive effects growing in the company as more people learn to meditate.

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For more information about Transcendental Meditation in business, go to:

Related posts:

1. Will the TM program become a benefit businesses offer? For some companies it already has.
2. New Research Shows TM Helps Improve Quality of Life in HIV Patients
3. Transcendental Meditation Helps Police with Post Traumatic Stress - PTSD
4. How to Overcome Stress in the Work Place
5. TM helps cancer treatment center health providers overcome stress


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