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Dr Oz and his TV production team describe personal and corporate benefits of Transcendental Meditation

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22 June 2013

'I believe that one of the most powerful things we can do, is to teach people is how to take better care of themselves, using just themselves,' said Dr Mehmet Oz, renowned heart surgeon, Columbia University professor, and host of the Emmy Award-winning Dr Oz Show.

One way Dr Oz has applied this principle in his own life is learning Transcendental Meditation several years ago. 'You didn't have to convince me that meditation was effective—I do it, I've seen other people I admire and respect so much incorporate meditation into their own lives.'

He also offered instruction in Transcendental Meditation to his entire production team of top professionals on The Dr Oz Show, along with time to practise it twice a day at work.

Dr Oz and some staff members have discussed their personal and corporate benefits from Transcendental Meditation practice: stress reduction, increased job performance, enhanced creativity, and improved health. Many also commented on how the whole atmosphere at work improved.

Dr Oz described what began to happen soon after many began the practice: 'I started gettting emails that sounded different,' he said. 'I started having conversations that were completely altered from what they normally would have been. The texture of these emails would shift, to a much more thoughtful, insightful, clever way of addressing problems. So instead of highlighting the issues that were separating us, there were emails that were deriving bliss, joy, from finding solutions.'

Susan Wagner, Supervising Producer of Medical, said, 'The first person who noticed that I was different was my husband—and I think he noticed in me, what I was noticing in my friends and colleagues at work. I think that I was just sort of calmer, and the benefits of that workwise are enormous.'

Global Good News will continue to feature comments from Dr Oz and his staff on Transcendental Meditation.


Transcendental Meditation® for Women is the organization offering the wide range of benefits of the Transcendental Meditation programme to women for their health, happiness, and fulfilment in life. For more information visit:
Transcendental Meditation for Women
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