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Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation: Ideal for business and industry
Business Portal 24 news website Translate This Article
5 January 2006
On 5 January 2006 Business Portal 24 news website reported:
The Maharishi Corporate Development Programme offers a uniquely effective approach to developing the most fundamental resource of every business: human consciousness. Leading businesses around the world including those in Europe, Japan, and Fortune 100 companies in the US, have developed this resource by incorporating the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, and have found the programme 'highly effective'.
It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring
fulfilment to the field of business.
The article says that 'The Maharishi Corporate Development Programme offers a proven technology of human resource development—the Transcendental Meditation Programme—with an unmatched forty-year track record of success.
Implemented in hundreds of companies worldwide, the Maharishi Corporate Development Programme has been shown to be highly effective in improving employee health, creativity, and productivity while reducing and eliminating the detrimental effects of stress on employee health and job performance. This unique programme is easy to implement and cost-effective. The benefits are both immediate and cumulative.
According to the article: 'Consciousness is the most fundamantal resource of every business....consciousness is at the basis of the alertness, creativity, organizing power, efficiency, health, and happiness of every executive and employee. Thus it is the consciousness of its employees that ultimately determines the performance and success of the company as a whole.'
The article explains that, 'While achieving its economic goals, the company promotes the health and well-being of its employees and enriches the quality of life in society.'
The article included enthusiastic reviews of the programme by many business leaders. The former CEO of H.A. Montgomery Co., R. W. Montgomery, Jr., was quoted as saying: 'Over a six-year period, the Transcendental Meditation Programme was introduced to over 70% of our managers and employees, and they were encouraged to meditate on company time at the plant. As a result, productivity, sales, and profitability all improved dramatically, the creativity of our research department went up, and absenteeism dropped sharply, as did sick days and injuries. The TM Programme paid for itself in two months on the basis of reduced absenteeism alone. The TM Programme has been my best business decision.'
The article states that the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Programme have been verified by extensive scientific research conducted at universities and independent research institutions in 30 countries. There have been more than 600 studies in all and many have been published in leading, peer-reviewed, scientific journals such as Science, the American Journal of Managed Care, Psychosomatic Medicine, Academy of Management Journal, Hypertension, and American Psychologist.
Research findings presented in the article include benefits such as:
• 'improved productivity and job performance: increased productivity, improved relations with co-workers and supervisors, and reduced absenteeism and sick days;
• improved health: reduced risk factors for ill health such as stress and anxiety, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, insomnia, smoking, drinking, and drug abuse;
• unfoldment of mental potential: increased creativity and intelligence, improved memory and learning ability, improved problem-solving ability and decision making, improved personal and work relationships, improved psychological health, and broader comprehension along with increased ability to focus'.
Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law based—Total
Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting state of world peace.
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