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How is Transcendental Meditation different from other meditation techniques?

Global Women's Organization for Total Knowledge    Translate This Article
26 July 2012

Transcendental Meditation involves neither concentration nor contemplation. A number of meta-analyses of studies covering many meditation and relaxation techniques have been conducted. They have found that the Transcendental Meditation technique produces deeper rest than other practices and is more effective for reducing anxiety and depression, alleviating drug abuse, reducing high blood pressure, and increasing psychological health and self-actualization.

In addition, neural imaging and EEG studies indicate that Transcendental Meditation is the only meditation technique known to create widespread brainwave coherence.

Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation

Advanced Techniques of the Transcendental Meditation® programme enrich the benefits of the daily practice of Transcendental Meditation and accelerate the development of higher states of consciousness. Advanced Techniques enhance the ability to experience finer levels of thought and perception while one is becoming more familiar with the experience of transcendence, pure consciousness, the inner, silent Self. As the conscious mind becomes more infused with pure consciousness and perception becomes more refined, more subtle, thoughts and actions spontaneously become more powerful and effective and there is greater happiness and success in daily life.

The Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme

The Transcendental Meditation technique allows the mind to settle down naturally and effortlessly to experience pure consciousness—the Self—the silent inner reservoir of creativity and intelligence that underlies all our mental activity. The Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi programme cultures the ability to think and act from that profound inner silence so that thoughts and actions are maximally effective.

The most powerful aspect of the Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi programme is the Yogic Flying® technique. During the practice of the Yogic Flying technique, brainwave synchrony is maximized as the body spontaneously springs forward in short hops. Internally, the experience is one of exhilaration, expanded awareness, lightness, and ''bubbling bliss.''

Increased coherence in brain functioning has been scientifically correlated with increased intelligence, creativity, concept learning, moral reasoning, and mind-body coordination.

Click here to learn more about programmes for self-development offered by the Global Women's Organization for Total Knowledge.

© Copyright 2012 Global Women's Organization for Total Knowledge

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