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An opportunity to become 'the highest that one can be'
by Global Good News staff writer
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16 July 2012
'How many, growing up and full of inspiration at a young age, are looking into, ''What do I want to become in my life, what do I want to be?'' If they are in a context where they're being inspired by great geniuses of the world, they would think, ''I'd like to be this kind, or that kind, of person.'' Many . . . aspire to be the highest that one can be,' said Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace.
'One may ask what is the highest one can be,' Maharaja said, addressing the recent celebration of Guru Purnima, 'and if one knows about it, one would say, ''I want to be enlightened, I want to be freed from boundaries, I want to be infinity, I want to achieve the maximum.'' . . .
'Yet throughout history, when we look at what does it take to do that, the path seems difficult and discourages many seekers. In any religion, or in any belief system, in any tradition—even in India, in the Vedic tradition, that is interpreted in one way, or the other, or the other—even today the path is seen as difficult.'
Please see Parts I and II of this article: ∙ 'Life is naturally full': Celebrating Maharishi's achievements ∙ Establishing the experience of inner silence and wholeness 'on a very scientific, reliable ground'
In the conclusion of his remarks praising Maharishi's achievements, Maharaja went on to say:
Here comes knowledge that Maharishi received from his teacher and spread throughout the world—'that tells us, ''You are already That, Vedo'ham (I am the Veda, total Natural Law), Thou art That, Aham Brahmasmi (I am Totality). Scientifically this is proven—Ramayan is within us, Raam and all the great characters of the Ramayan, all the Rishis (seers), are within us. All the Vedas are us, . . . they're embodied even in our physical reality—we are already That.'*
The knowledge and experience that 'Life is naturally full', and the technologies of consciousness to raise life to this level, which Maharishi gained from the Vedic tradition of knowledge, have given everyone 'the opportunity in their daily living, experiencing their life in different cultures, having different beliefs, having different systems of administration, politics, and economy—whatever race, whatever gender, whatever life they've had before—and from that point offer them the possibility: while continuing in daily living, to experience and be the reality that they are born to be . . . .'
Maharaja praised the teachers of Maharishi's programmes in every country, who have made use of his Transcendental Meditation to realize this field of infinite silence within their own consciousness, while at the same time being completely focused on 'raising life above smallness and limitations' and creating an ideal quality of life in the whole society. Maharaja characterized 'their intentions, their behaviour, their thinking' as exemplifying this same reality of 'Life is naturally full'—'from their vision on a holistic level, taking any limitation to its reality of being infinite, and expanding it with a vision of one purpose,' to create an ideal quality of life on earth.
He gave special honour to directors of Maharishi's programmes in India, who are creating beautiful facilities to establish large coherence-creating groups of Maharishi Vedic Pandits at the centre and throughout the country. Through their training and daily performance the Vedic Pandits are experts in enlivening this field of infinite peace and bliss for its beneficial effects in society—a central element in Maharishi's programme to create invincible, permanent world peace.
Maharaja concluded by saying that this knowledge 'is now etched and engraved in a scientific way, in an experiential way', in Transcendental Meditation and all the programmes that Maharishi brought out; and 'in the reality of all those who quietly meditate in their centres, and the teachers who inspire the great people of the world . . . to come and partake in this bliss and in this fullness. . . . In that great march of strength and unity and purity of intention, upholding the goal, we feel truly living in heaven on earth.'
* Maharaja is describing his discovery, under Maharishi's guidance, of Veda and the Vedic Literature as the 'blueprint' of human physiology. The most recent expression of this research drawing on his knowledge and training as a neuroscientist, is Maharaja's second book, Ramayan in Human Physiology: Discovery of the Eternal Reality of the Ramayan in the Structure and Function of Human Physiology. The book was released during a recent speaking tour of North America, titled, A New Paradigm: Veda, Consciousness, the Ramayana, and the Self.
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