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Transcendental Meditation growing in popularity in New Zealand
by Global Good News staff writer

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10 July 2011

New Zealand has seen a steady increase in people learning the Transcendental Meditation Programme over the last few years. The number of people taking courses to learn the technique has doubled each year since 2007, and in the first six months of 2011, as many people began the practice as in the whole of 2010.

Transcendental Meditation teachers in the country have been making information about the programme's benefits for stress reduction, health, and well-being more widely accessible to the public, in part through increasing use of the Internet—one of the factors responsible for the continuing rise in people learning, they explain.

In other news of the Transcendental Meditation Programme in the country, a new 10-room facility has been built and opened in June at the Maharishi Spiritual Capital of New Zealand north of Auckland. The new building will be used for World Peace Assemblies and other in-residence courses for people practising Transcendental Meditation and the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme. Scientific research has found that such groups of meditators, practising together, create an influence of coherence and harmony in the whole environment.

The building is beautifully designed according to Maharishi Vastu architecture, as are all buildings at the Maharishi Spiritual Capital, with comfortable ensuite accommodations for visitors. Much of the construction was accomplished with the support of volunteers.

A new generation of young people in New Zealand who practise Transcendental Meditation are becoming inspired to become teachers of Transcendental Meditation, augmenting the ability of organizations in the country to offer all of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes to benefit every area of society.

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