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The responsibility to bring to every individual and nation the knowledge and technology to live perfection in life
by Global Good News staff writer
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15 July 2011
During the celebration of Guru Purnima on 15 July 2011, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, gave a beautiful address about the responsibility of those who have the knowledge of living life in tune with Natural Law to give it to the world.
'There is no question that if we look at the world today, we see that there are areas that need to be addressed,' Maharaja said. 'Our role, our joyful responsibility, our duty, is to keep bringing to every nation, to every individual that simple message . . . from Maharishi: that life is bliss, that perfection can be lived in daily living—that invincibility, . . . pure spirituality, perfect science, perfect knowledge are attainable. Not only attainable, they are the birthright of every individual and every nation.
'The world is changing, nature is moving forward, and when the ocean flows, and the streams of a powerful river rush, [if] one is not going with the flow, one might feel resistance, one might feel tension, one might feel fear, palpitations of the heart, and uncertainty. If one is flowing with the waves of progress and evolution, one is floating in bliss.
'We have the knowledge and the technology to be able to be in tune with total Natural Law, and even awaken Natural Law, and enliven it in its perfection and in its wholeness. These technologies have been given to us, they are very specific in every area:
'In health—in Vedic sounds, and preparations that are healthy, in indications for diet, and for daily routine. We have the knowledge of the cycles of nature in Jyotish (Vedic astrology), and we have the knowledge of how to predict potential problems and how to remove them. We have the knowledge of how to live in properly oriented, properly structured homes and cities that enliven Natural Law and prevent problems from happening (in Sthapatya Veda, Maharishi Vastu architecture).
'Maharishi has given us . . . all this technology of all levels of life, from the level of feeling, hearing, seeing, touching, all these levels. From the level of pure Being, ultimately all of these levels are enlivened. And for all nations, for all the world, we have the technology to prevent conflict, to prevent problems, to create prosperity and peace. This technology has been studied scientifically on an experimental level, and even on a theoretical level—how it can relate to what we understand today from the world of physics and quantum mechanics and the Unified Field.
'But no one needs to worry about trying to understand how it works. Itself it's very simple—although quite elaborate, quite complex sometimes, as it is in the Yagya programme, in the Pandits' performances. But the procedures are there. If you want to launch a spacecraft or have a plane fly, you have to know the laws of nature, how they interact, you have to measure things, and then you can go to the moon, you can fly, you can go fast.
'In the same way as these technologies allow things in life to happen, we have the technology to create harmony, peace, and happiness in the world. And the world is waking up to that, the press with some of its turmoils still has enlightened individuals who are even reminding us that it's our moral responsibility, as one of the press writers has written—it's the moral responsibility of those who have this knowledge to give it to the world.'
Global Good News will continue to feature the address of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam on Guru Purnima.
© Copyright 2011 Global Good News®
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