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Good news report from Canada
Global Country of World Peace Translate This Article
17 February 2009
5 February was the 5th day of the eighth month of the 3rd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility.
5 February 2009
Dr William Overall, National Director of the Global Country of World Peace in Canada, presented highlights of news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the large Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.
Extensive scientific research has documented the Maharishi Effect of rising coherence, harmony, and peace created in the collective consciousness of a nation by large groups of Yogic Flyers. The effect has been found to extend beyond national borders when the group is of sufficient size.
Following are press reports featured in Dr Overall's presentation:
The Globe and Mail - Economic vision for Ontario: foster ideas over industry (4 February 2009) Ontario's future depends on nurturing creativity and intelligence rather than protecting the past, say the authors of a new report that calls for a sweeping transformation of the province. The transition to an economy based on brainpower rather than physical labour is already under way, says the report, commissioned by Premier Dalton McGuinty and written by Richard Florida, urban thinker and director of the Martin Prosperity Institute, and Roger Martin, dean of the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management. 'Our time is seeing the rise of a whole new economic system that is based more on brain than brawn, more on ideas than capital, more on human creativity than natural resources and brute strength,' the authors say. The goal should be to raise the creative content of all jobs. A senior government official described the report as visionary.
From a Toronto Star report on this: The authors state: We must harness the full creative potential of Ontarians beyond a creative elite of professionals, entrepreneurs and artists. We must make our province the world's most talent-rich jurisdiction. Ontario needs to raise the percentage of our young people in colleges and universities. Ontario should be known throughout the world as the education province.
The Toronto Star - Report urges 'creativity-oriented economy' for Ontario (4 February 2009) Among the report's recommendations: Make cultural diversity a cornerstone to economic prosperity. It describes immigrant communities as giving Ontario 'inroads into each one of the world's most dynamic, fastest growing, emerging economies.' It calls on the government to extend 'normal domestic doctoral student funding to foreign students' to help compete for the world's best and brightest students. Premier Dalton McGuinty welcomed the report. 'One of the things that it does speak to is the continuing importance of investing in our people, building up our human capital,' said McGuinty.
Reuters Canada - Ontario plans to invest in 'smart' power grid (5 February 2009) Ontario will invest in rebuilding the province's electricity distribution system into a 'smart' grid to better utilize renewable energy, Premier Dalton McGuinty said in a speech on Thursday. Ontario's current grid was designed to deliver power from a few large generating facilities, and needs to be upgraded to tap sources such as solar and wind power, McGuinty told the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce.
From an Ottawa Citizen report on this: 'A smarter grid is essential to maximizing the energy from Ontario's abundant natural solar and wind energy,' Mr. McGuinty said.
From a Canwest News Service report: Far from giving up on the environment during a recession, McGuinty said this is the right time to invest in green technology. Investing in green technology now will place Ontario in prime position to reap the massive economic benefits when the turnaround happens, he said. 'The truth is, the places that reduce carbon first will have a competitive advantage,' McGuinty said.
The Toronto Star - Investors trying to leave their carbon footprint (5 February 2009) 'The interest in green investing has never been higher,' said Michael Jantzi, president of Toronto-based Jantzi Research, an investment research firm that specializes in assessing companies' ethical practices. The first thing a green investor wants to know is how green the companies really are. 'We look primarily at five thematic areas,' said Robert Gross, a managing partner at Jantzi Research. 'They are: alternative energy, clean technology, green building, use of water and pollution prevention.' For example, if one focuses on clean energy, Jantzi has a favourite. 'Look at Plutonic Energy out of Vancouver, they focus on run of the river small scale hydro projects,' said Gross. 'They have a very low impact on river; and we like their strong social policy, which includes reaching out and partnering with First Nations communities.' When it comes to green food and grocery stocks, everybody is already onto Whole Foods Markets, but Long Island-based adviser Sustainable Business also likes smaller, lesser-known companies like Brampton, Ont.-based SunOpta, which supplies organic and whole ingredients to major food manufacturers.
The Financial Post - Scotia among world's top 10 stable banks (4 February 2009) Bank of Nova Scotia has emerged during the credit crisis as one of the top 10 most stable banks in the world, according to a global ranking of the financial sector. Canada's third-largest bank ranks alongside the likes of Berkshire Hathaway, run by celebrated investor Warren Buffett, as one of the steadiest investments for shareholders. Among other things, the ranking reflects Scotia's efforts to draw on diverse sources of liquidity.
From a Financial Post report: Scotiabank is the most diversified among Canadian banks. The bank operates in 12 countries in Asia and the Middle East. It also has operations in the Caribbean and South America.
The Associated Press - Que. helps Burlington, Vt., pay for Champlain 400th anniversary celebration (4 February 2009) The province of Quebec is giving the city of Burlington C$100,000 to help pay for the city's celebration of the 400th anniversary of Samuel de Champlain's exploration of Lake Champlain. Burlington Mayor Bob Kiss says the money will pay to bring Quebec artists to Vermont as part of the city's celebration. It is expected to include musicians, dancers, circus performers, and more. Kiss says the funds will reinforce the mutual interests of Vermont and Quebec. This July the Burlington-based festival will honour the region's culture and history, from its geography to the thousands of years of native culture that preceded Champlain's arrival.
The Toronto Star - Universities' ivory towers going green (4 February 2009) A green wave is sweeping over Toronto's academic institutions, as staff, students, and faculty collaborate on sustainability projects that could inspire a sea change across Canadian society. Bike co-ops, compost and recycling programmes, rooftop gardens, and solar panels are becoming increasingly visible on university and college campuses. More energy efficient heating and cooling systems and other technologies are saving schools millions of dollars while cutting energy consumption. York University, for example, saved C$2.7 million in 2008 with energy-efficient improvements, and expects to boost that savings to C$5 million a year by 2011. But the changes on campus are driven by more than just a desire to save money. Academic institutions are also driven by the research and idealism of their students, faculty, and staff. Changes are happening at the grassroots level (student-run compost programmes, for example), in the research labs (changing the chemistry of concrete to make it more environmentally friendly), and by administrative edict (ensuring that new campus buildings are certified as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design structures). Together, they make the Greater Toronto Area's post-secondary institutions the equivalent of giant green incubators (many are the size of small cities). Ideas can be tested, researched, and implemented on a relatively large scale. Whether a sustainable project works on campus can be a litmus test for how it will fare in the world, says Dawn Bazely, director of York University's Institute for Research and Innovation in Sustainability.
The Financial Post - Google, Znaimer back new Silicon Valley institute (4 February 2009) Singularity University is a new educational institution with financial backing from Silicon Valley heavyweights like Google, as well as the NASA space programme and Canadian media mogul Moses Znaimer. 'Historically when there's been deep recessions, it's technology that powered us out of them,' said Toronto native Salim Ismail, the school's executive director. A video on the university's new Web site shows some of its founders talking about how students will drive the technological breakthroughs of the future. The university will offer a nine-week summer course for graduate students, as well as specialized ten and three-day courses for chief executives. The school will open in June next door to the famous Googleplex in Silicon Valley. The far-reaching mandate includes solving 'humanity's grand challenges'. These include energy shortages, famine, and global warming.
The Toronto Star - Shining a light on Islam's hidden scientific treasure (4 February 2009) Over a thousand years ago, Al-Zahrani mastered the techniques of surgery. Ibn Al-Haytham, an Iraqi scientist, invented the first pinhole camera. Their discoveries and those of other scientists, made at the height of Islamic civilization between the 8th and 18th century, have largely been overlooked. A new interactive exhibit at the Ontario Science Centre, 'Sultans of Science: 1,000 years of Knowledge Rediscovered', aims to educate the public on scientific history. 'Something like this goes beyond the politics and explains to people the richness and the long tradition of education and discovery that existed in this civilization ,' said Jehad Aliweiwi, a member of the Ontario Science Centre's community advisory council. He is convinced the exhibit will also be educational and inspirational for the Muslim community. 'I am hoping some of the kids who come here will say, 'This is where we were, and this is where we can go.''
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