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Two projects to guarantee global Invincibility: Address of Dr Harris Kaplan - Part I
by Global Good News staff writer
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17 January 2008
During the 12 January 2008 global Celebration, Dr Harris Kaplan, Raja (Administrator) of India for the Global Country of World Peace, began his address by expressing appreciation for the previous speakers on this historic day. He also discussed the two major projects being undertaken in honour of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, that will guarantee invincibility for the world.
Dr Kaplan expressed the appreciation of everyone in the hall, and of everyone so fortunately connected around the world through the genius of communication of the Minister of Finance and Planning, Dr Benjamin Feldman, which allowed them to experience and enjoy 'this most tender day', and to share it. He also expressed deepest appreciation for the beautiful words honouring Maharishi from Maharaja Nader Raam —'in those words of reverberating silence . . . and the example to us all, we felt thanks that on 12 January—that blessed day when we have the good fortune to thank Maharishi in whatever way we could—that we heard such words that reached to the highest heaven, and we appreciated so much Maharaja-ji'.
'It was also a profound joy to hear our dear Prime Minister (Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace) speak, who also moves silence, and to watch his mastery of these proceedings at this extremely delicate and refined time, with the whole world family's hearts being at one, as one. We so much thank you for the exquisite words you gave echoing just beautifully what our dear Maharaja said.' Dr Kaplan also expressed deepest thanks to Dr Benjamin Feldman, Minister of Finance and Planning for his profound address ('Maharishi's gift of self-sufficiency'), earlier in that session 'on behalf of all of us'.
'It is just remarkable, the absolute perfection of Nature; and the golden life that we all live, that 50 years ago in a field, a tent was put up; and at the end of a celebration of spiritual luminaries, the several hundred people there rose for 20 minutes and clapped and clapped and clapped and clapped, and had heard along with the angels listening that day, that the voice of Heaven on Earth was ringing out for the whole world. Now almost exactly 50 years later, not just several hundred people in a tent, but the whole world rose as one and said: Thank you Maharishi. What you set out to create, you have done. Thank you Maharishi. Jai Guru Dev.*
'This symmetry of this 50 years, the golden 50 years,' Dr Kaplan said, 'will always be for mankind the point of reference to try and locate in the unfathomable, eternal, as Maharishi said yesterday, un-locatable dignity of Brahm—the dignity of total Natural Law—some aspect of that grace, of that turning point which created this beautiful destiny for us all. I think all of us feel, in thinking about these 50 years, that we've always wanted to have that chance to say back to Maharishi, 'Thank you! And what can we do? What can we do? ,br> 'And with the extreme graciousness of Maharishi, he answered the question for us in the last few days. And he did it in a way that made it as if he was asking for a favour for himself. I can't imagine a greater graciousness, a greater example of Brahm moving in the world. We've seen that over all these years. We are so appreciative that we have a chance to give back in exactly the way that we know that Maharishi would like us to do it. It's very comforting to the whole world. It's quite a relaxing feeling. We know what we have to do; it's extremely easy to do it; and it's such a joy to do it together as one whole world family.
Dr Kaplan said that, in considering the first of the two projects which are the gift of all the Rajas to Maharishi in honour of his supreme achievemnt in creating global invincibility—'creating in Veda Bhumi Bharat [India, Land of the Veda], the 48 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars—it's important that everyone understands, it's well done. It's well on the way to being done.' Dr Kaplan honoured 'the great genius of organization of our dear Dr Girish Varmaji [Director-General of the Maharishi World Capital of Peace at the Brahmasthan (centre) of India], together with all the leaders of our Indian Movement who have been organizing there, organizing the Vedic Pandits, and organizing the construction', who have created a fertile field of buildings going up. Already in 20 locations, these projects are going ahead. Dr Kaplan then read the names and locations of the 20 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars where this is already occurring, and the Jyotir Linga to which each is related.
'In all those locations today,' Dr Kaplan continued, 'flags were raised, Vedic Pandits were assembled, and buildings are going up. This accomplishment of Sat-Yuga [the Age of Enlightenment, Heaven on Earth] rising is the basis for our feeling so absolutely comfortable and thrilled. When I made this announcement to the Rajas a few days ago, there was a beautiful response in this assembly. People said they would like to take on building these 48 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars. So many people have been writing, sending emails, and sending notes, what they would like to do to make sure that this happens. It has been extremely gratifying. And what they all said in their various notes was, ''How is it possible that Maharishi-ji gave us the blessing of allowing us to do something that connects us with the name Brahmanand Saraswati**? This is the supreme good fortune of our life. It is also the supreme good fortune of total Natural Law returning to guide the destiny of all mankind.''
'So in thinking of building the first of these projects—48 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars, it's well under way. The world is going to make it happen; and in those locations our very, very dear Vedic Pandits of India will always and always have a home. And in that home, total Natural Law will always and always reverberate. And in the reverberation of that, the reverberation of Guru Dev, and the name of Maharishi will echo through all generations. That's the first of the two beautiful projects.
Part II of Dr Kaplan's address, about the second of the two projects to be built in Maharishi's honour, will follow in the coming days.
* The prolonged ovation in honour of Maharishi, earlier in this 12 January 2008 celebration, reminded Dr Kaplan, and many others present, of the historic event in Madras, India, in December 1957, during which Maharishi proclaimed his intention to spiritually regenerate the entire world; and which became renowned as the starting point of his worldwide Transcendental Meditation Movement.
** Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas
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