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Collective consciousness of New York reflects rising quality of life, progress toward invincibility
by Global Good News staff writer
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31 August 2007
Dr Paul Potter, Raja (Administrator) of New York for the Global Country of World Peace, reported improvements in his domain's reputation, quality of life, and collective consciousness, as well as progress in demolition, construction, and reconstruction projects now under way in his state.
The press recently reported less crime in New York City—so much that it is now the safest big city in the United States, as well as the most cordial and polite. Further, the area around the Global Financial Capital of New York at 70 Broad Street in Manhattan was found to be the fastest growing part of the city. Unlike housing markets throughout the country, New York's is growing; and it was the only city whose population was growing.
Dr Potter also spoke about a recent front-page article in the newspaper USA Today. It noted that several different cultures in Brooklyn (a borough of New York City) get along so well that 'they may hold the formula for peace on earth.' Dr Potter explained that harmony has been increasing among different cultures as a result of programmes inspired by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, and promoted by many Rajas from around the United States who have been residing in New York over several months, which have been enlivening the Unified Field of total Natural Law—'the source of peace that has stirred the air in New York and created peace among groups that are fighting in other parts of the world'.
A New York Times article about the Mayor of Newark, New Jersey, near New York City, expressed rising coherence in the thinking of the area, Dr Potter continued. The article described the Mayor as a meditator and a vegetarian who is leading the city in a positive direction, and who does what is right. He was said to be uninterested in going with the tide, but interested in implementing programmes that improve things, even if they require uphill battles.
Further, there is a new sense of outrage about crime among the youth that was just accepted before. The Mayor has put up billboards all over the city, asking for help. 'This is a new openness and hope for change,' Dr Potter said, calling it a great new awakening in the collective consciousness of the whole area. 'We responded with a letter to the Mayor suggesting that they introduce Consciousness-Based Education in the city schools.'
Dr Potter then reported on several other areas. The construction crew is now working to complete the renovations of the Global Financial Capital building at 70 Broad Street so that an international delegation of leaders of the Global Country of World Peace can return soon. The building next door is also being renovated for a retail space, and other offices and uses. At Livingston Manor, two hours northwest of New York City, excavation has begun for the foundations of two new Peace Palaces—the first structures of the planned 250-room campus of Maharishi Vedic Medicine on the beautiful lake there. Demolition of the second and third old buildings has begun; and an exquisite park is planned for the area around the lake. Last, Dr Potter said that the programmes of the Global Country of World Peace will be introduced through various channels in the United Nations through the help of a recent graduate of Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme who works there.
Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service
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For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.
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