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Dr Bevan Morris reports on the Invincible America Assembly currently taking place in Maharishi Vedic City and Fairfield, Iowa, USA
by Global Good News staff writer

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2 February 2007

In a recent global News Conference, His Excellency Dr. Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, reported on the progress of the Invincible America Assembly currently taking place in Maharishi Vedic City and at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA.

Dr Morris explained that the focus of this group of Yogic Flyers is entirely on their own experiences of Unity Consciousness, the highest level of human experience. They are practising the technologies of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme including Yogic Flying, Dr Morris said, and are diving deep into the silent ocean of consciousness to experience the reality of that basic field of the whole universe as their own Self.

Every day the experiences are so profound, Dr Morris said, and every day 'one is amazed by experiences that one would only think of as the experiences of the legendary sages of the Himalayas, or the great saints of the history of the world. These are now commonplace in the Invincible America Assembly in Iowa.'

Dr Morris said that the feeling of the whole area is so intensely blissful and so rich with bliss for everyone, it is like a constant holiday or celebration of joy in the atmosphere

Dr Morris read an experience from one Yogic Flyer, a Pioneer of Invincible America, that said, 'I am the ocean of consciousness, so still and deep, and the waves of that ocean which is everything that exists in the universe are just the waves of my ocean of consciousness, of my own Self. And now I know who I am and what I am. I am the field of pure Isness, of pure awareness, of pure nothingness from which everything in the universe is expressed.'

Dr Morris then explained that just by experiencing or stimulating that state, which on the individual level is the state of pure invincibility, the very nature of that unlimited ocean of bliss consciousness, the fundamental cause of the whole universe—just the attention on that through Maharishi's Technologies of Consciousness can transform the quality of life of the whole nation. This is the purpose of the Invincible America Assembly.

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