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France: Inside the new plan to make Paris '100% cyclable'
22 October 2021 - Paris announced a major upgrade of its cycling infrastructure that could make it one of the most bike-friendly major cities in the world. Between now and 2026, the city announced, Paris will gain 180 kilometers (112 miles) of new permanent segregated bike lanes. As part of the city's new Bike Plan, the number of bike parking spots will more than triple, with 180,000 more added to the current total of 60,000. The city will pay particular attention to bike lanes and infrastructure around the connection points between the neighboring suburbs and the city to create better integration across the wider metro area. (more)

French consumer confidence at highest in five years
28 April 2015 - French consumer confidence rose for the third consecutive month in April to reach its highest in over five years, data showed on Tuesday. Households who took part in the survey said they were more willing to make significant purchases and were slightly more upbeat about both the state of their future finances and their ability to save. (more)


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