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Scientists find powerful window into the extreme reaches of space
by Mark Kaufman

Mashable    Translate This Article
22 September 2024

On 22 September 2024 Mashable reported: Objects in the universe can be so massive -- often clusters of galaxies -- that they warp the cosmos, like a bowling ball sitting on a mattress. This creates a curved cosmic lens, bending and distorting light, while also magnifying and brightening the light. It's an invaluable natural telescope for astronomers, and researchers have recently discovered an extremely potent such lens (also called a 'gravitational lens'). Global Good News service views this news as a sign of rising positivity in the field of science, documenting the growth of life-supporting, evolutionary trends.

...'This is an amazingly lucky 'galactic line-up' --a chance alignment of multiple galaxies across a line-of-sight spanning most of the observable universe,' David Schlegel, an astrophysicist at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab who coauthored the research, said in a statement. 'Finding one such alignment is a needle in the haystack. Finding all of these is like 8 needles precisely lined up inside that haystack.'

The research recently published in the peer-reviewed journal The Astrophysical Journal. This unusual, warped cluster makes impossible deep space observations a reality. 'By virtue of its ability to drastically magnify background sources, strong lensing allows for significantly deeper and further observations than otherwise possible,' the researchers wrote.

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