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India, Nepal: Universities learn about integration of modern science and health care with ancient Vedic Science
by Global Good News staff writer

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28 January 2013

In India, during the first stage of his Total Health World Tour, Robert Schneider, MD, FACC, was invited to speak as a visiting professor in a graduate and faculty seminar at Apeejay Stya University, a large private university dedicated to science, research, and technology in Delhi.

Dr Schneider, Director of the Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention and Dean of Maharishi College of Perfect Health at Maharishi University of Management, USA, is one of the world's leading authorities on scientifically verified natural approaches to prevention and treatment of heart disease, high blood pressure, stress, and other cardiovascular risk factors. Over the past 20 years, he has directed more than $20 million in grants from the (US) National Institutes of Health researching these approaches.

Professors at Apeejay Stya University were all accomplished scientists in biological and medical fields, Dr Schneider said. Prompted by faculty interest, his address to the seminar explored ancient Vedic technologies of consciousness brought to light by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and the links between modern science and ancient Vedic Science.

As the tour moved on from India to Nepal, Dr Schneider spoke at a conference on 'Integrative Medicine for the 21st Century for Nepal' at Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, an institution of 200,000 students. An ancient country, Nepal has in recent times progressed rapidly into modern functioning and is looking to develop the most up-to-date medical system in the world, Dr Schneider commented.

In his talk to several hundred students, faculty, and deans, he explained that the most up-to-date health care system—medicine of the 21st century—is one that integrates modern medical practices with ancient Vedic medicine.

This theme of integration of the ancient and the modern, he said, is the underlying principle of Maharishi College of Perfect Health and Maharishi Health Centre. The goal of Maharishi College of Perfect Health is to fulfil the global need to provide a complete scientific health care system for prevention and cure, for both individual and societal health. These two institutions will be part of an 'interlocking academic health centre'.

Dr Schneider presented to the audience a vision of possibilities—'the ''next quantum leap'' into the most advanced health care system using all the sciences, from East and West, modern and ancient'—allowing the rediscovery of the Unified Field of total natural law at the basis of mind, body, and public health, and how all the ancient and modern technologies can be used.

Tribhuvan University has two separate medical colleges—a modern medical college where students learn allopathic medicine, and an Ayurvedic medical college. This conference on integrative medicine brought faculty and students of the two colleges together, considering how the two sciences enrich one another and 'create a greater whole', Dr Schneider said, and adding 'the missing element of the inner intelligence of the universe, [which is] inner intelligence of the body'.

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