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New guidance for avoiding heart attack, stroke
by Dr Seth Torregiani

DelawareOnline    Translate This Article
2 April 2013

On 2 April 2013 DelawareOnline reported: A study on Transcendental Meditation, published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation in November 2012, 'showed that Transcendental Meditation can lower cardiovascular disease risk by nearly 50 percent'. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of health.

The five-year study found that 'African Americans who practiced Transcendental Meditation two times a day were 48 percent less likely to have a heart attack, stroke or die from all causes,' Dr. Seth Torregiani, an integrative medicine practitioner, reported in the DelawareOnline article.

A control group 'attended a health education class which included advice on diet and exercise, [and] did not fare nearly as well. . . .

'Participants in the meditation group practiced sitting with their eyes closed for about 20 minutes two times a day, allowing their minds and bodies to rest while remaining alert. . . .

'Meditation group participants also lowered their blood pressure and reported less stress and anger.'

The Transcendental Meditation study was one of two recent studies described in the DelawareOnline article on 'preventing heart disease, published in prestigious mainstream medical journals within the past six months, [that] clearly support natural, low-cost, easy-to-follow options for lowering your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.'

'These studies clearly show the profound benefit that simple, low-cost, natural interventions can have on our overall health and on cardiovascular risk specifically,' Dr Torregiani concluded.

The article also reported on a study which found significantly lowered heart disease risk through use of the Mediterranean diet (New England Journal of Medicine, February 2013).

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For more information and details of the Transcendental Meditation study, visit:
Meditation may reduce death, heart attack, and stroke in heart patients, and
New study finds that TM reduces death, heart attack, and stroke in heart patients

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