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Good Morning America: George Stephanopoulos interviews Jerry Seinfeld on importance of Transcendental Meditation for PTSD

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14 December 2012

George Stephanopoulos, anchor of the Good Morning America television show on ABC News, conducted an in-depth interview December 13 with legendary comedian Jerry Seinfeld, as well as Bob Roth, executive director of the David Lynch Foundation.

Mr Stephanopoulos began by saying that the three had in common their practice of Transcendental Meditation, which Seinfeld said he had been practicing for 40 years. Mr Stephanopoulos said he is in his second year of practicing the meditation technique.

During the nearly four-minute segment, led by Mr Stephanopoulos's probing questions, the three went on to discuss many aspects of the Transcendental Meditation program, particularly its benefits for reducing stress and cardiovascular risk factors and improving health—including a recently published study in the American Heart Association journal, Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, which Mr Roth described as showing that Transcendental Meditation is highly effective in reducing high blood pressure, risk of stroke, and mortality rates by almost 50% in people practicing for five years.

Mr Stephanopoulos drew special attention to the work of the David Lynch Foundation in applying Transcendental Meditation to alleviate the devastating effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans, at-risk children, and women who have been victims of violence.

Mr Roth also noted the current program at Norwich University in Vermont, USA, the nation's oldest military college, in which Transcendental Meditation is being used, with the support of university president Admiral Richard Schneider, to relieve stress and increase resiliency among military cadets in training.

Click here to view the December 13 Good Morning America video clip featuring George Stephanopoulos, Jerry Seinfeld, and Bob Roth talking about Transcendental Meditation.

In addition to being anchor of ''Good Morning America'', Mr Stephanopoulos is also anchor of the ABC television show ''This Week'', and is the network's chief political correspondent, reporting on political and policy stories for all ABC News broadcasts and platforms.

© Copyright 2012 ABC News

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