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Restful, nourishing sleep: Another benefit of living in Maharishi Vastu
by Global Good News staff writer

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2 June 2011

Since they moved in this April, owners of a new Maharishi Vastu* home on Salt Spring Island in British Columbia, Canada, have described many benefits they have found from living in a home designed according to principles of Vedic architecture.

Please see Part I of this article.

One of the owners commented on another good effect they have noticed—a 'special quality of sleep'. It is not only very restful, she said. She also described it as being somewhat similar to the experience of transcending** during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique: 'going beyond everything else to a nothingness that leaves you completely refreshed.

'The best phrase I can use to describe it,' she said, 'is ''the softness of sleep''. It is gentle, nourishing, protective, healing. When I wake up, I feel calmly ready to meet the world. I feel supported.'

This 830 square feet (77 square metres) home on Salt Spring Island is among many 'tiny Vastu houses' described in the January and March 2011 issues of At Home in Maharishi Vastu®—The Newsletter of Maharishi Vedic Architecture.

Photos of the home appear in an Album of small Vastu houses on the Maharishi Vastu page on Facebook.®

* Vastu refers to Vastu vidya, Vedic architecture—the knowledge of design and building in accord with Natural Law—brought to light in its completeness from the Vedic Literature by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as Maharishi Sthapatya Veda.

** Transcending: The process of the mind settling down and experiencing increasingly refined levels of its own activity, eventually going beyond, transcending, the finest level of thinking and experiencing the unbounded field of transcendental consciousness. Transcendental Meditation is a simple, effortless, systematic technique to experience this most silent, peaceful level of one's own consciousness—the innermost Self.

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