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New Zealand: Transcendental Meditation organization in Christchurch offers timely relief from earthquake stress

Transcendental Meditation Programme - New Zealand
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13 April 2011

People in Christchurch, New Zealand, who are suffering the effects of stress and anxiety in the aftermath of the recent earthquakes are being offered timely help by local instructors of the Transcendental Meditation Programme.

Christchurch, the second largest city in New Zealand, was near the epicentre of the devastating earthquake 22 February, only six months after another major earthquake last September.

A special web page——on the official website for the Transcendental Meditation Programme in New Zealand posts the teachers' 'heartfelt offer of speedy recovery from the stress, worry and anxiety of the Christchurch earthquake'.

In response to the present emergency, 'Christchurch teachers of Transcendental Meditation are waiving usual costs for the months of March and April, and offering Transcendental Meditation courses to all those affected by the quake for whatever fee they can afford,' the website explains, also stating that 'No one will be turned away.'

A toll-free hotline has been set up for anyone who wants to find out more about the programme.

One instructor, Dr David Lovell-Smith, who is also a medical doctor, said that Transcendental Meditation has been found by medical research to be the most effective known method of reducing trait anxiety, a measure of chronic stress. He and his colleagues wanted to make a special effort for Christchurch at this time, so that everyone who wishes to learn the technique can do so. Donations from well-wishers are helping make this possible.

Dr Lovell-Smith has also encouraged fellow medical practitioners to support the current campaign, saying, 'As our crisis continues and the adrenaline settles down, grief, stress, fatigue and exhaustion emerge. You are no doubt feeling for family, staff, patients and friends, some of whom will be struggling under extreme pressure.'

Dr Lovell-Smith suggests that many doctors are likely to be feeling 'combat fatigue' themselves and points out that Transcendental Meditation offers a valuable resource that can be accessed by medical staff and patients alike.

Over 20 years ago another local Transcendental Meditation instructor, Dr Guy Hatchard, and his wife Angela travelled to Armenia following a devastating earthquake, as part of an international effort to teach Transcendental Meditation to those affected, at the invitation of the Armenian government.

Dr Hatchard said that during the year-long project, over 35,000 individuals suffering anxiety or other stress-related conditions were treated with remarkable success.

Those involved in the Christchurch effort have hired a campervan to be used as a mobile Transcendental Meditation information centre to get the message across to various parts of the city.

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