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Offering students clearer thinking, increased efficiency, and better health through the Transcendental Meditation Programme
by Global Good News staff writer

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26 April 2009

Through the simple, twice daily practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, students can enjoy greater mental clarity, increased efficiency, and better health—including lower blood pressure. Because of its wide-ranging benefits, neurologist Dr Gary Kaplan*, MD, PhD, recommended the practice at a major press conference** held earlier this month in New York City, USA.

Dr Kaplan, associate professor of clinical neurology at New York University School of Medicine, explained that during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, brainwave activity becomes more coherent, more coordinated. There is 'a similarity of activity—a synchrony of activity between left and right hemispheres, between the front of the brain and the back of the brain. . . . This coordinated electrical activity in the brain has great implications for how the brain functions,' he said.

'After we meditate and go into activity there's more mental clarity, there's less stress and strain, we're able to think clearly and perform well, there's more efficiency in our actions,' he continued.

The brain governs the rest of the physiology, he said, and so the whole physiology begins to function better. For example, Transcendental Meditation has been shown to help normalize blood pressure and reduce the need for medication. This is significant, Dr Kaplan said, because 'high blood pressure is rampant in our society—and it's not just in the elderly, it's in middle aged people, and in fact now it's even in teenagers.'

Dr Kaplan concluded by saying he would prescribe the Transcendental Meditation Programme for everyone, 'and especially for our students—when the nervous system is still young and flexible, that is the time to start this simple practice each day, twice a day.'

*Dr Kaplan is also a recipient of the Albert H. Douglas Award from the Medical Society of the State of New York for outstanding achievements as a clinical teacher, promoting and improving the medical education of physicians.

**Doctors, celebrities, and educators spoke at a 3 April press conference preceding the historic Paul McCartney benefit concert on 4 April at Radio City Music Hall, New York City, USA. The extraordinary achievements and goals of the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace were presented at the press conference.

The 'Change Begins Within' concert contributed funds to teach one million at-risk children Transcendental Meditation—giving them life-long tools to overcome stress and violence, and promote peace and success in their lives.

The concert was headlined by Paul McCartney, with special guests including Ringo Starr, Sheryl Crow, Eddie Vedder, Ben Harper, Moby, Paul Horn, Bettye LaVette, Donovan, and Jim James.

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