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Article reviews effect of meditation on heart disease
by Jim Karpen

The Review, Vol. 20, #1    Translate This Article
Fairfield, Iowa, United States
11 September 2004

An article published in the September/October issue of Cardiology in Review surveys the body of research showing that the Transcendental Meditation program is effective in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease.

The article discusses the risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as stress, hypertension, and alcohol use and reviews studies that document the effectiveness of the Transcendental Meditation program in reducing these risk factors.

It then goes on to look at the more recent studies that show how the body is actually repairing itself. These include studies documenting the reduction in the thickness of artery walls (artheriosclerosis), as well as the beneficial effects on myocardial ischemia (including exercise tolerance and maximal workload) and left ventricular hypertrophy.

The article also presents studies showing that people live longer as a result of the practice and need less medical attention, as evidenced by the fact that they make fewer health insurance claims.

The article concludes by discussing the widely varying results of several types of meditation and points to a meta-analysis which shows that those types based on long traditions are more effective than those that are derived or invented by researchers and clinicians.

'These studies taken as a whole show the positive impact which the Transcendental Meditation program, practiced for 20 minutes twice a day, can have on the prevention and progression of cardiovascular disease, which is the number one cause of death in society today,' said Dr. Sanford Nidich, co-author of the article and associate director of the Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention. 'This technique directly promotes health by enlivening the inner intelligence of the body, thereby restoring balance and integration to the entire physiology, including the cardiovascular and related systems.'

Other authors of the article included faculty researchers Dr. Ken Walton and Dr. Robert Schneider.

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