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'Man is made in the image of God: Live and let live; live and live long'—Maharishi's message to the military, 21 June, 2007 - Part II
by Global Good News staff writer

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28 June 2007

Maharishi tells the military that their time is now coming for ringing the bell of Eureka. The present military, in rising to Invincibility by creating coherence in collective consciousness, is going to save the nation from the onset by the enemy, not by killing the enemy, but eliminating enmity in the enemy. Invincibility is 'infectious'; the influence of Invincibility rising in 36 countries now being 'watered' by the Unified Field-based programmes of the Global Country of World Peace, will be enjoyed by all the other nations in the world.

In Part I of this talk, Maharishi emphasized that the readiness of the military to die for others is a wrong notion. God has created man in his own image—to live and live long, immortality, infinity. Maharishi said that now the time is changing and man is realizing his cosmic nature.

Maharishi went on to say that 'one most interesting, most enjoyable vision of life—now take notice of this—is that life is as one sees life to be. The example is a snake in a string. The string and the snake. This is a very popular example in the field of knowledge.

'The world is as your eyes are able to see. If you see the snake, it is a snake for you. If you see the string, it is string for you. So the world is as you can see it. It's a snake if you can see a snake. You run away, you cry about it and you cry out ''Snake, snake, snake, snake.'' You create fear everywhere. Because you see it is snake, so the phrase is: ''The world is as you are. The world is as you see it.''

'A child, he has a world. Mother is all his world; he grows and the family becomes his world, society becomes his world. And as he grows, the nation becomes his world. He owns a nation with such dearness as he owned a family; he would like to do anything for the family, he would like to do anything for the nation. He would like to do anything for the international world. And the best he can do for the international world is that he is. And what he is? He is what he knows himself to be.

'Realization. Realization. Realization of the supreme is realization of God—infinite Creative Intelligence. Fulfilment of desires at will, fulfilment of desires at will: this is the human being on one level; on the other level, he is just a topsy-turvy person. So the man is on the basis of his knowledge. That is why education is a primary thing for every child, for every grown-up man.

'When education has not been total education; when education was not giving Total Knowledge to everyone, then no one was in possession of Total Knowledge, and in the absence of Total Knowledge, one was floundering in life here and there.

'The example is, without the depth, without the silence of the depth of the ocean, the waves flounder about, and the waves, what they do? The waves break themselves down on the [surface of the ocean]. Every rising wave breaks itself down on the top. It is constancy in deep silence, but when it rises as a wave, when it rises as an individual, it just shatters itself into pieces. The individual shatters himself if he is not grounded deep in infinite silence. That is why the ancient word for life is Brahm. That is totality of knowledge and action, the totality of science and technology.

'Brahm means ''unification of diversity—all diverse values unified'': all diverse values, all the waves are unified in the silence of the deep ocean. This is life.

'All the waves shattering themselves on the surface have their intimate connection with the depth of the ocean, which is silence. So [there is] silence, unbounded, unlimited, eternal silence at the depth of life. Waves gain individuality in that cosmic reality of one's own inner life. The cosmic reality of one's own inner life expresses itself in a wave, this wave, this wave, this wave. And where there is a wave, there is sound. Whenever there is wave, there is sound. This sound born of the wave.

'The sound is Veda—knowledge of the individual wave, knowledge of the basis of all the waves in silence. So [there is] silence and then the Veda. Veda is sound that is heard, so that comes to the sensory level of perception. Life on the sensory level of perception is deeply rooted in the non-sensory level of perception—the mental level, intellectual level, level of self-referral existence, level of the transcendental self-referral Unified Field.

'This ocean is Puran, [one aspect of the Vedic Literature, meaning ancient and eternal] in the ancient language. The whole thing is in terms of Smriti [another aspect of the Vedic Literature], memory. And then Smriti, memory, begins to be heard, and that is the Veda. Veda is the heard sound that is the Constitution of the Universe.

'In the depths it's unheard. That unheard is the level of Being, the level of the Self. From the level of the Self it swells up in terms of the intellect, mind, senses, behaviour, the world. It all depends what level of awakening one's intellect has, one's mind has, what one's senses are able to [perceive].

This is the time in the modern language, this is the time of the Unified Field. But the time of the Unified Field is not any time new in the history of time. In the history of time—infinity, eternity, the unity of all diversity—all diversity is like the drops in the ocean.

'The ocean is made of drops. So its individuality, which is cosmic at the depth, and individual at the surface, it depends upon what one remembers. Behaving on the surface, if one is deeply rooted in the awareness of the mental value, of the intellectual value, of the level of being, level of the Self; if one's awareness is open, neat, and clear through all these levels, one is living totality of life. It all depends upon what the child is informed from the beginning, what the individual man is educated in. From this point of view, the whole field of education is a fraud. It is a big lump of ignorance.

'. . . The whole thing is so miraculously natural to man, but so much obscured by wrong education. It is this wrong education that has produced a military in terms of ability to die. Any military who has ability to die, who can demonstrate that ability, that is the mightiest ability—what a shame to the governmental authority to engage the new children and feed them to get murdered tomorrow. It's cruelty.

The existence of military is cruelty today. I'm informing the military that very soon the words of Dr Hagelin, they are not the words that disappear in the atmosphere; they are the words that go deep into the reality.

'Thirty-six countries today are being ''watered''; they are being watered with the reality of Invincibility. Some [countries] in two months, some in one month, some in few weeks, [will rise to Invincibility]. Raja Jose Luis, Raja of Latin America of the Global Country of World Peace, informs us that he has 20 countries in Latin America whose dates of Invincibility are set. [There is] some date in the next two weeks, some date in the next three weeks, some date in the next four weeks, some date in the next five or seven weeks. The dates have been assigned on the basis of how the tree of invincibility is growing in the Latin American countries.

'And now about other 30 countries have been growing in Invincibility, and Dr Feldman, the Finance Minster of the Global Country of World Peace, has designed the whole strategy, how the countries are growing like that. Very soon a strong wave of Invincibility is going to dominate world consciousness. This is for the military to enjoy.

'And today, Dr Hagelin is addressing this message of the Unified Field to the military; and now they are most fortunate people. The entire field of military in the whole world is rejoicing in this green light to go ahead on the level of immortality.

'The military will be used everywhere, not to sacrifice itself in the name of patriotism, but to make national consciousness blossom in Invincibility. I have heard carefully the Invincible Defence structured in words by Dr Hagelin. Invincible Defence.

'Military, your time is now ringing the bell of Eureka. The present military is going to save the nation from the onset by the enemy, by not killing the enemy, but eliminating enmity in the enemy. The military today, the military tomorrow, the military in every country is rising to the level of Invincibility. It would not commit a sin of killing life. It will eliminate the chance of killing, because it will eliminate enmity in the enemy.

'The military will create such immensely powerful Invincibility in the national consciousness, that no power from outside will be able to dismantle the nation. Any desire of anyone outside will be eliminated with that positivity blossoming in the national consciousness of every country, every country.

So it's a matter of today or tomorrow, and not tomorrow, long time. Just later today we could say. Just later today. A few weeks, a few months, and a wave of positivity, a positive wave of the Will of God will prevail in society. It has been enough that human intelligence was in the deep darkness of ignorance. Now is the time of light, and rejoice. Rejoice, the world. And let us hear the song created by innocent, enlightened minds that ''Heaven is descending, heaven is descending.''

I want to inform the military today to raise the flag of the heaven descending on earth. The military has to welcome the Will of God, which has created man to make man in the image of God, make man live the will of God, make man invincible.

'Every nation is rising to be invincible. Within a few weeks, within a few months, not more than two or three months, because as everyone experiences, the fire burns at a distance, but the heat is created at a distance. So even in 20 countries, [when] invincibility rises, the effect of that will be enjoyed by all the nations of the world. It's infectious, infectious. It travels. So just as ignorance was travelling so far, knowledge will be travelling. Unity will be dawning; multiplicity will be enjoying the shadow of Unity.

'So this is the message of today . . . observe and inhale that breathe of Invincibility, of freedom, of affluence—in every way, in every way. I would like what I have said to be summarized by our head of my university in USA, the head of Maharishi University of Management, Dr Bevan Morris, to tell you in his simple words. He's a great exponent of simplicity, which has been adopted by the head of his research department, Dr John Hagelin.

'We have beautiful people speaking all the beauty of life. Listen to it and enjoy, and ring the Bell of Invincibility, and let us hear [the song] ''Heaven is descending.'' '

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service

Global Good News comment:

Please see Vedic Defence and for more information about Unified Field-Based Defence.

For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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