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Maharishi School grows a kitchen: Healthy eating develops consciousness
by Christine Albers

Transcendental Meditation Magazine    Translate This Article
22 September 2014

The Excellence in Action page of Global Good News is featuring this article with photos.

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Two faculty members from Maharishi School* in Fairfield, Iowa, USA—an award-winning K-12 school specializing in innovative Consciousness-BasedSM programs—attended a workshop for teachers in Berkeley, California, given by Alice Waters, renowned as the mother of the Slow Food movement in the USA, who started The Edible Schoolyard Academy to help reintroduce kids to fresh, whole foods.

Karen DeAngelis, Director of the Maharishi School Greenhouse and Garden Program, and Laurie Baumann, Director of the Girls School, spent five days learning about programs that help children become better connected to organic food production and healthy eating habits. They returned with new plans to strengthen Maharishi School's already strong commitment to educating children in sustainable living and healthy diet. Maharishi School . . . is one of the few schools in the U.S. that serves 100 percent organic, vegetarian, freshly prepared food.

After returning from the workshop, Laurie and Karen supervised the completion of a new Maharishi School classroom kitchen facility that was built with a $25,000 grant from Microsoft and other donations. The teaching kitchen expanded the school's existing Seed-to-Table program by allowing students to prepare fruits and vegetables grown in the Maharishi School gardens and its 4,100-square-foot [381-square-meter] greenhouse and turn them into delicious dishes.

The article features an interview with Laurie and Karen in which they talk about the introduction of The Edible Schoolyard program at Maharishi School.

Enjoy the full article on the Excellence in Action page.

Copyright © 2014 Maharishi Foundation USA

Global Good News comment:

* Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield, Iowa, USA features Consciousness-Based Education to develop students' inner potential while they grow in knowledge. All students, faculty, and staff practice Transcendental Meditation, which has been shown through extensive published research to boost intelligence, creativity, and learning ability, improve brain functioning, and reduce stress—while it creates a well-rounded learning environment renowned for fostering brilliant student achievements in academics, sports, and the arts.

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