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Canada: Maharishi School in Victoria, British Columbia announces expansion plans
by Global Good News staff writer

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13 July 2012

School administrators for the Victoria School for Ideal Education in British Columbia, Canada have announced plans to expand. Another storey with two new classrooms is being added to the school building, and the school plans to add one grade per year until they reach grade 12.

Victoria School is an independent school that has been operating as a Maharishi School for 22 years, offering classes in grades K-6. It is the only Maharishi School in Canada and one of a handful in North America. A recent TV news feature reported that the style of teaching, called Consciousness-Based Education, uses Transcendental Meditation 'to better prepare students for learning'.

In British Columbia the Maharishi School is classified as a Group 1 school, which means that the provincial government pays 50% of the tuition for each student.

The teachers are British Columbia (BC) certified and follow the same curriculum as the BC public schools. The Ministry of Education allows independent schools to approach the BC curriculum from their own perspective but requires the students to meet ministry-specified outcomes in basic courses like English, science, and math.

Teachers say that the 'morning routine' is the key to keeping the students 'settled and focused and ready to learn' in the class. They say the tranquil moments during the practice of Transcendental Meditation help the students relax and lower their anxiety. And the children heartily agree.

Classes are limited to twelve students. The small class size allows teachers to give a great deal of individual attention to each student, which in turn brings out the best in the student.

Parents have been attracted to send their children to the Victoria School for a number of reasons. One parent reported that the environment at the school allowed her daughter to relax, become herself and really start enjoying school.

Learn about other Maharishi Schools in the USA and the UK.

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