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Strong early interest in summer event - 'Experience the Self'

Maharishi University of Management - The Review    Translate This Article
16 May 2012

An opportunity this summer to experience the best the community of Fairfield, Iowa, USA has to offer has already drawn a strong response. As planning moves forward, arrangements are being made to feature some well-known entertainers and celebrities.

Even in early May, there were over 150 applications for ''Experience the Self'', which will be held July 10-22, with most of those applying not yet having learned the Transcendental Meditation® technique. The event, which will offer a broad range of activities, from Sanskrit to sustainability to tennis, art, shopping, and business tours, will be able to accommodate a maximum of 350 visitors.

Organizer Adrienne Schoenfeld said that many people have been waiting for such an opportunity to visit: parents looking for a better community to raise their children, those who want to learn the Transcendental Meditation technique in a context free of daily distractions, and those who practice the Transcendental Meditation technique . . . and have been eager to spend time in the community.

In addition, one applicant is an educator who wants to introduce the Transcendental Meditation technique in her school.

''The individuals I've spoken with are saying, 'We want to have the full experience, to immerse ourselves in what the Maharishi University community has to offer,'' Ms. Schoenfeld said. ''This event is timely and is meeting the need of a wide range of people who have wanted to know more but haven't had the opportunity.''

The strong early response came despite there having been little publicity, as details were still being worked out. The Experience the Self website had nearly 11,000 visitors in the first month it was online. Ms. Schoenfeld said that people were searching for terms such as ''fairfield'' and ''experience the self.''

The event will offer a range of activities, and participants will be able to select those that best suit their interests and will create their own schedule. The planned activities, from instruction in the Transcendental Meditation technique to reading the Bhagavad-Gita, will be suited to those who are new to what the MUM community offers as well as to those who are experienced teachers of the knowledge introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

There will also be opportunities to enjoy special shorter seminars throughout the 12-day event hosted by a variety of organizations.

The evenings will offer entertainment, including music, dance, and theatrical productions. Speakers will include renowned physicist Dr John Hagelin and filmmaker David Lynch.

© Copyright 2012 Maharishi University of Management

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