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Dr Ashley Deans brings Consciousness-Based Education to Kosovo
by Global Good News staff writer

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1 April 2009

Speaking recently about their tour of the Balkans, Raja Felix Kaegi said that from Tirana, the capital city of Albania, he and Dr Ashley Deans, Global Ambassador for Consciousness-Based Education, flew to Pristina, the capital city of Kosovo, which is a new country—just one year old.

Raja Felix is Raja of the Global Country of World Peace for several Balkan countries, including Albania, Serbia, and Slovenia. Please also see Part I of this article.

Raja Felix said that Kosovo is a young nation in another sense: 70% of the people are younger than 35, and more than half are younger than 25. When you walk down the street, basically only young people are to be seen. 'Everywhere, young people,' he said, 'and they are full of hope, full of dynamism, and want to build a model country with the best constitution, the best laws, the best educational system. They are completely open to new ideas coming from anywhere around the globe.

'Consequently, we had a very interesting meeting with a government leader for education,' Raja Felix continued. 'There was a warm feeling of readiness to adopt the latest knowledge, which we know is the Consciousness-Based Education approach' of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

In Pristina they had meetings with the dean of a university, the principal of a private university, and with officials at the Ministry of the Interior.

They also had a very interesting meeting with the young founder of a private high school. There are more than 1,000 students at this school—enough to make Kosovo invincible.

At a private university, they met with an American teacher who was fascinated by Dr Deans' presentation on Consciousness-Based Education and wanted it to be implemented at his university.

'The tour went on and on like this, day after day,' Raja Felix said, 'meeting with one educational leader after another.' He thanked Dr Deans for bringing to the world 'the blessings of the Vedic tradition through Consciousness-Based Education'.

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