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Quiet time in the classroom: National Summit on Student Health and Education inspires expansion of Consciousness-Based Education programmes - Dr Robert Roth
by Global Good News staff writer
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24 October 2008
Continuing his overview of 'Quiet Time in the Classroom'—the third annual National Summit on Student Health and Education in New York City on 16 October—on the Maharishi Global Family Chat, Dr Robert Roth, National Director of Expansion for the Global Country of World Peace in America, described several of the main speakers, and announced exciting plans for future expansion.
Renowned quantum physicist Dr John Hagelin, who serves as president of the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace, acted as Master of Ceremonies, sharing the platform with filmmaker Dr David Lynch and many educators who had already implemented the 'Quiet Time/Transcendental Meditation Program' in their schools.
Entrepreneur and philanthropist Russell Simmons spoke enthusiastically about his visit to the Maharishi Institute in South Africa. He praised the programme, saying that 'when Transcendental Meditation is offered in underperforming schools it helps students focus and improve grades.'
Sarina J. Grosswald, Ed.D., a leading researcher on ADHD and other learning disorders, reported on several studies showing that students who practise Transcendental Meditation displayed significant improvement in behaviour regulation, memory, and emotional control. Dr Roth praised her work, which he said is bringing great hope to children and parents everywhere.
Carmen A. N'Namdi, Principal of Nataki Talibah Schoolhouse of Detroit, who was among the first to introduce Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme in her school twelve years ago, said, 'We were not data driven in our TM programme. The students, however, insisted on volunteering anecdotes about being more patient, better focused on class work, and more energetic.'
Other speakers included Dr George Rutherford, whom Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, honoured with the title: 'Principal of the World'. In 1994, Dr Rutherford brought Transcendental Meditation to his school in inner-city Washington, DC, with excellent results. He has also started a new school in Washington, where all the students and teachers practise Transcendental Meditation.
Upcoming articles in Global Good News will report more extensively on the many inspiring Summit speakers, including the talk by a 30-year educator who was named Middle-School Principal of the Year for the entire USA in 2008, and who credits this to Transcendental Meditation in his school, where over 300 teachers and students practise the technique. Two students were also applauded for their enthusiastic presentations to the Summit.
Dr Roth announced a programme of future conferences, noting that the main focus will be an annual national summit in New York City every autumn to survey the progress in bringing Consciousness-Based Education to schools in America and around the world. A yearly spring benefit concert is also planned, the first to be held on Saturday, 4 April 2009, at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. World-renowned musicians will be performing at this famous venue, which has space for 6,000 people. The concert will be a special event to support further expansion of Consciousness-Based Education.
Dr Roth said that the administration of the David Lynch Foundation will focus on inspiring increasing support for the implementation of its programmes. 'We now have more research, more classroom experience, more endorsements, and more overall success than any other programme for education and reform in the history of modern education. We want to inspire everyone everywhere with our results. It is one thing to have eighty schools, but we want all schools to be able to participate in this programme very quickly.'
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