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Yogic Flying and the Science of Creative Intelligence receive academic recognition from a provincial government in Peru
by Global Good News staff writer

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25 December 2007

Dr Jose Luis Alvarez, Raja (Administrator) of Latin America for the Global Country of World Peace, recently reported on the Maharishi Channel Global Family Chat that based on the experience of 1,000 students practising Yogic Flying, the government of a province in Peru has given official academic recognition to Yogic Flying and Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence being taught in a public school in that province.

Raja Luis reported that three schools in Peru started Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme this year, and 1,000 students have become Yogic Flyers in the last three months. In one school with 600 Yogic Flyers, one of the school principals had an interesting experience of Yogic Flying himself. He felt such a sensation of being suspended in the air that he had to open the eyes to see what was happening because he was so deeply rooted in the feeling of not being subject to gravity. This gave him a lot of joy and happiness.

Dr Alvarez quoted some experiences from the students who have a clear response to the instruction of Yogic Flying, The following are experiences from the first week after learning the practice:

'I feel much more free and happy. I learn much faster, more easily and more enjoyably than before in school.' Another student said, 'I have never experienced such a peace, and freedom. I don't experience problems suddenly, and when this happens, my marks, my qualifications, my notes in the school, and my grades improve a lot. My progress is very successful in academic performance.'

Other students said: 'My experience is that I have no body, but at the same time I am just made of happiness and peace'; 'I could perceive all space in all directions and fly throughout the universe'; 'I have had had the most beautiful and unique experiences, the most beautiful of my life. I feel enormous energy that accumulates in my front and the moment I fly, the energy is released and by being released, there is an infinite energy, which makes me fly all the time.'

'Flying is the most beautiful experience I have had in my life. I feel like I was getting in the deepness of my soul and suddenly I am a higher being with infinite wisdom, with great feeling for life, and to be the best and give everything good for everyone.'

Other students say, 'When I fly I feel not really happy, it's more than happy. I feel like tranquility and eternal joyfulness. It's like an inexhaustible source of infinite energy takes over me;' 'When I do the programme in the school, I meditate and fly and this is the most enjoyable part of our school life. We are all waiting for the moment to do the programme, to come back again and again to this most beautiful experience.'

'These are some of the experiences within the first week of practising Yogic Flying,' Dr Alverez said. 'It shows very joyful experience.'

On the basis of the students' experiences, Dr Alvarez reported, an important decision has been taken in two of the institutions where the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme and the Science of Creative Intelligence is part of the school curriculum. One is a private school and one is a public school.

For the public school it was required that the education authorities at the provincial level approve this programme. This approval has now been given, and a resolution was agreed by the government: The Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme in the school now receives academic credit and is part of the school's daily activity. The Science of Creative Intelligence and practising Yogic Flying are considered to be official classes in the public school.

'All the experiences of bubbling bliss and invincibility through flying have inspired the educational institutions to consolidate the programme and to make it more stable, more official, and to expand it,' said Dr Alvarez.

200 marines of the Navy have the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme as a part of their training and the Chief Commander of these marines also practises the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme.

'This shows that the coherence of the students is now radiating invincibility from the highest peak of the world to all the countries of Latin America,' said Dr Alvarez. He then expressed the gratitude of everyone for the knowledge they have received. One of the students said, 'We are very, very fortunate that our school has been chosen and has this opportunity.' They thanked Maharishi and the Director of the Global Country of World Peace for Peru for this wonderful opportunity.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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