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Consciousness-Based Education for a Native American school faculty and students in Maine, USA
by Global Good News staff writer

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3 October 2007

On a recent Global Family Chat, Dr Kingsley Brooks, Raja of New England, USA, for the Global Country of World Peace, spoke about the experiences of Native American teachers learning Transcendental Meditation in a Consciousness-Based Education project in the state of Maine.

Dr Brooks reported that a very important project happening in his domain is a Consciousness-Based Education project starting in a Native American school.

Recently 20 of the faculty members started the practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM), and had very rich and deep experiences in their practice. They reported bliss during the day, 'witnessing' (awareness) of their sleep at night, and many of the faculty reported that they actually felt as if they were floating in their activity during the day.

The Transcendental Meditation teachers for the project will soon complete teaching all the students.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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