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MUE graduates charged to maintain Heaven on Earth
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26 July 2007
The President of Maharishi University of Enlightenment (MUE), a Raj Rajeshwari (Administrator of ladies' programmes) of the Global Country of World Peace, gave an inspiring charge to this year's degree recipients during commencement ceremonies on 19 July 2007, which were broadcast live from Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA; Meru, Holland; and other locations around the world. The ceremonies also featured a 'global celebration of Consciousness-Based Education for Mothers in Every Generation'. Following is the full text of the President's remarks:
'As the president of Maharishi University of Enlightenment it is my honour now to give the traditional charge to the graduates.
'Several weeks ago, on July 4th, America's National Day, as I sat outside in the soft warm darkness of a summer evening here in Maharishi Vedic City, watching the fireworks—thousands of tiny, coloured sparks of light emerging from the darkness and blossoming in the night sky, superimposed on thousands of real stars spangling the clear, dark sky—I began to think of what I would say to you today, dear graduates, for whom the Mahavakyas—those great Vedic sayings that resonate with Unity Consciousness—have been a regular feature of your education.
'In my mind's eye, I peered down the cone of time from where I was, and at the point of the cone was Guru Purnima*, the Day of the Divine Master. Somewhere in the middle of the cone was the point of time that we have arrived at today.
'This image encapsulates for me the totality of our precious university's education for enlightenment, so fully embodied in each of you. The full range of life from the infinite diversity of the cosmos to the lively unified point that embodies all infinity is the scope of your awareness.
'I cannot charge you to go out and be successful in some limited field of life, as a university president typically would on this occasion, for even though your achievements in many relative fields of life are highly significant, as seen especially in the lives of our honorary degree recipients, all of you are deeply, permanently established in the inner field of life; and your waves of activity are simply the activation of diversity in unity. The Vedic Expression for this is: Swarupe Avasthanam Vritti Sarupyam Itah Atrah—''Established in the Self, fluctuations emerge from here and remain here.''
'Instead, the charge that I give to you is more like the thrill of silence dynamized—of Being becoming—of Bliss becoming blissful.
'It is you who through your years of practice of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Technologies of Consciousness, especially the group practice of the TM-Sidhi Programme including Yogic Flying, have helped usher in Sat-Yuga, the time of Heaven on Earth. And it is you who, remaining in the perfect life of enlightenment, will maintain Sat-Yuga—Heaven on Earth—for all the future. You are truly the Mothers of every generation, for every generation that follows will be nourished by the way you are living your lives now.
'So my charge to you is really a surcharge—may the Light of God in you and your 24 hours of bliss now flow out to encompass the whole universe in flowing golden waves of bliss.'
*The auspicious day of Guru Purnima will be celebrated this year on 29 July with a live global broadcast from Meru, Holland.
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