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Dr Ashley Deans discusses the extraordinary success of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment - Part II
by Global Good News staff writer
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26 June 2007
At a recent press conference on education, Dr Ashley Deans continued to discuss the extraordinary success of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, reported in Part I of this article.
'Only the experience of Transcendental [Meditation]' Dr Deans said, 'enlivens total brain functioning. This is the really important point: education has to include this experience of the Unified Field—this field of Transcendental Consciousness within—in order to enliven total brain functioning.'
'And of course, as every teacher knows, if the students are enlivening their total brain functioning ... and if the students are fully awake and fully alert, and they are using the coherence of the brain ... then teaching becomes a joy.
'Any school can achieve success when they introduce Consciousness-Based Education.... I am continually amazed by the success of these students. For example, since I have been the Director [of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment] over the past 15 years, these students have won over 100 state championships, national championships or international championships.
'These students, I should emphasize, are not hand-picked. We accept any student who applies to the school, so we are very different really from other schools. You may know of some school which you say, ''Oh, that's a very good school'', but what you'll find is that those schools only accept great students, and if that school had to accept mediocre students, then it wouldn't be a great school any more.
'But at Maharishi School, we have something unique. We can take any student whether they are great when they come, or whether they are mediocre when they come—and by giving them this knowledge of Consciousness-Based Education, we can reconnect the student's individual intelligence to that field of infinite creativity and intelligence within themselves, that Unified Field. And then the students wake up—they become brilliant and creative, and they succeed in whatever they put their attention on.
'And so over the last few years we have seen extraordinary achievements at Maharishi School. If we take just a few, if we look at the Science Fairs for example—in Iowa there are state science fairs each year—Maharishi School has won the senior division of the state science fair ten times, and has won the Grand Champion award at the junior science fair for the last nine years in a row.
'... Maharishi School has the distinction of having won more of the top awards in speech and drama in the state of Iowa, than any school in the history of the state....
'If we go to art, for example, each year there is the congressional art contest, and Maharishi School students have now won the congressional art award four times....
'This also applies to sports. Maharishi school has won 17 state tennis championships in the last 15 years, and is now recognized as a powerhouse for tennis and sports throughout the state of Iowa....
'At Maharishi School we found that the practice of the [Transcendental Meditation] Technique improves mind-body co-ordination. It decreases stress and tension, and so our students naturally are good athletes....
'... I'd like to mention one [achievement] in particular, and that is in creative problem solving competitions—like Odyssey of the Mind and Destination Imagination.
'What has happened is, Maharishi School [has] won eight state championships, this year alone, in the state of Iowa in Destination Imagination—which is a state record. No other school has ever won eight individual divisions of this competition in any one year.... In total, Maharishi School has now won 54 state titles in Destination Imagination. More than any other school in the history of the state.
'This year the students went to the World Championships, the global finals in Knoxville Tennessee. Maharishi School won first place in the secondary school division, and this was really a great achievement. But I want to mention that this is the fourth time that Maharishi school has won the world championships at the global finals of Destination Imagination—the only school in the world —in the world—to have won the title four times....
'So it's very easy for me to say that these really are the most creative students in the world. I see it in everything they do, whether they are doing mathematics or literature or poetry or art, whatever they put their attention, on they succeed in....
'All this with an open enrolment policy. I have students—I've seen all the time—who come to the school and they look a little bit sleepy and a little bit drowsy. We instruct them in Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme, and immediately they wake up inside—they begin to become more alert, and more creative, and more intelligent.
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