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The Global Country of World Peace becomes more established as Maharishi plans for Instant Invincibility for 192 countries in the world-Part III
by Global Good News staff writer

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3 February 2007

In the weekly News Conference on 31 January, His Excellency Dr John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, explained how the experience of pure consciousness, the fourth state of human consciousness, during Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation programme creates orderly brain functioning, the basis of creating an invincible individual, who in turn is the unit of an invincible nation.

Dr Hagelin explained that during the experience of pure consciousness, the simplest, most settled state of human awareness—in which the knower, known, and processing of knowing are united as consciousness alone—the brain becomes powerfully integrated.

Extensive scientific research on Transcendental Meditation has found that the electrical activity of the brain becomes highly coherent, as demonstrated by a chart Dr Hagelin presented that showed the coordinated electrical conductivity or communication between all the different parts of the human brain—the frontal, occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes. The whole brain functions in concert, in a highly integrated, coordinated, and orderly way, Dr Hagelin said.

'This experience of the fourth state of consciousness, pure consciousness, is an educational breakthrough of the foremost magnitude,' said Dr Hagelin, 'because this orderly brain functioning correlates scientifically with increased intelligence, rising creativity, improved learning ability and academic performance, higher moral reasoning and psychological stability, and greater emotional maturity, alertness, and field independence. Everything good about the brain depends upon its orderly function.'

This coherent brain functioning can be directly developed in any student or individual of any age, just by exposing human awareness to that field of total natural law, the Unified Field, in this simple settled state of human awareness where orderly brain functioning is maximum.

'Regular experience of that highly orderly state of brain functioning,' said Dr Hagelin, 'cultures that integrated brain functioning to remain throughout the day, even during deep sleep and dreaming—orderly brain functioning becomes a perpetual feature of the brain's functioning.'

For more information about scientific research on Transcendental Meditation, visit:

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