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Wide Awake: Katy Perry

The Purist    Translate This Article
7 August 2018

On 7 August 2018 The Purist reported: In a conversation with her teacher of Transcendental Meditation, Bob Roth, CEO of the David Lynch Foundation, Katy Perry shares her enthusiasm for the benefits of her practice, while delivering a message of empowerment and hope for young people. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programs Maharishi has designed to bring fulfillment to the field of culture.

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Katy Perry: ''I noticed when I meditate that my whole brain kind of opens up; . . . and it's like I'm clearing out the cobwebs of my neural pathways and finding new neural pathways to ignite. It's some of the most incredible stillness. And I would also say it brings some of the best, most creative ideas to the surface for me, especially when I come out of it. . . .

''I find personally with my own experience, meditation is the key to really finding your true authentic self. Finding that stillness. Recharging, having the mental strength, the physical strength and immune strength, to be able to take on this big, technical, technological world.''

Copyright © 2018 The Purist

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