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''Why is there so much interest in Transcendental Meditation?'' - An historic NBC interview with Maharishi
by Bob Roth    Translate This Article
16 July 2012

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Please click on the following link to read more about ''Why is there so much interest in TM?'' - An historic NBC interview with Maharishi.

In 1973, the legendary NBC news anchor Edwin Newman interviewed Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for the critically-acclaimed program, ''Speaking Freely.'' Here are excerpted transcripts from that 30-minute show.

Edwin Newman: Maharishi, your movement has caught on pretty well in the United States. And the United States is often described the most materialistic country of all. Why do you think your movement has prospered as it has in the United States?

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: I think the reason is that this is the most creative country in the world. The people of the most creative country alone can evaluate the knowledge of creativity. So the appreciation for the Science of Creative Intelligence (the science of consciousness) is most here—and then in Germany. These are the two most scientifically and technologically advanced countries and this is why the movement has grown more rapidly in these two countries.

Mr. Newman: But do you take it to be a revolution against technological advance?

Maharishi: No, it's the enrichment of technological advance. Technology brings comfort from outside. Transcendental Meditation and the Science of Creative Intelligence improve the comfort from inside—and this is so complementary to the technological advancement that the man will feel fulfilled.

Enjoy the full article on the Excellence in Action page.

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