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'Mankind was not meant to suffer,' says David Lynch
by Global Good News staff writer

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13 December 2011

The recent Change Begins Within benefit gala in Los Angeles was a sold-out event organized by the David Lynch Foundation to raise awareness for the multitude of benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Programme. One of the key speakers, in addition to Ellen DeGeneres, Russell Brand, and others was award-winning film director David Lynch.

In the first parts of Mr Lynch's speech, he highlighted the practical benefits of Transcendental Meditation and how one technique can improve so many areas of life. In the final part, he focused on its profound benefits in promoting total brain functioning and growth to full human development, known as enlightenment.

Mr Lynch explained how, through brain mapping and other methods of EEG measurement, scientists have found total brain coherence in people practising Transcendental Meditation—'the whole brain lights up on the EEG machine.'

Transcending is 'the only experience in life that does this,' said Mr Lynch. 'Any other thing utilizes just a small part of the brain.'

He described how when a person sings, does mathematics, or paints a picture, only a small section of the brain is active.

Contrast that with transcending, said Mr Lynch. 'Here's an experience that brings the full brain into concert.'

Mr Lynch went on to explain how using the full brain and developing full potential is also known as enlightenment. Enlightenment is a state described as total liberation, total fulfilment. It is 'more than the most'.

On the way to enlightenment, things just get better and better, explained Mr Lynch.

'Maybe the events of our lives will stay the same, but those positive events will get more enjoyable' and the difficult events easier to navigate through.

Mr Lynch concluded his speech, saying, 'Mankind was not meant to suffer. Bliss is our nature. The individual is cosmic, don't forget that. Change beings within. Water the root and enjoy the fruit.'

Global Good News will continue to feature the 3 December 2011 Change Begins Within gala in Los Angeles.

Related articles:
Ellen DeGeneres 'can't say enough good things' about Transcendental Meditation
Leaders of society from Los Angeles and around US attend Change Begins Within gala
Change Begins Within gala in Los Angeles a great success

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