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CEO: 'The entire team became more cohesive' when 3 members practised Transcendental Meditation
by Nancy Slomowitz

TM Magazine    Translate This Article
23 April 2012

''The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique has been part of my business toolkit throughout my career,' says Nancy Slomowitz, President and CEO of Executive Management Associates, in Part I of this article. ''However, I didn't realize its significance for many years.'' She goes on to describe how, during a challenging period, the dynamics within her company began to improve as the number of TM meditators increased:

Another experience showed me that my TM practice was having not only an impact on me but also on my company.

During a very difficult period for my company, I had an experience that caused me to look beyond the surface. I was experiencing stress both from outside the company and more importantly from within my company. Turnover was high and employee morale was low.

During this period I hired an employee who had been meditating for many years. Suddenly, the dynamics within the company changed. I couldn't deny what I was seeing with my own eyes.

It was at this time that I realized it wasn't just me; all three of us who were practicing TM were different in the same way. The entire team became more cohesive, and the external stresses, while still there, were not having as great an impact on us.

I remembered a concept from the advanced TM lectures my father took me to as a child, where Maharishi Mahesh Yogi talked about the ''1% effect''—1% of the population of a country or city meditating could create a phase transition from a disorderly state to an orderly state. For a smaller entity such as a business, a larger percentage might be needed. That was exactly what had happened in my company: with this additional employee, we now had 10% of our company meditating.

It became very apparent that having more people in the company doing TM would be very beneficial, so I added it as a company paid benefit. The first year, two employees started. The next year, six more employees signed up. Today we have more than 33% of the company practicing the TM technique.

Global Good News will feature more of Nancy Slomowitz's story, as she goes on to describe specific benefits that began to be felt in her company as more people learned Transcendental Meditation—both in the employees who were meditating, and throughout the company.

Source: Enlightenment: The Transcendental Meditation Magazine

© Copyright 2012 Maharishi Foundation USA

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