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US: Business leader reveals how his recession-defying company became most successful in its field

Transcendental Meditation News - UK    Translate This Article
11 November 2010

The international finance world was impressed when the head of a leading US hedge fund revealed several months ago that his company had made billions more than any other hedge fund worldwide in the previous year (returning a record 38% yield on one $50 billion fund).

Now a recent article in a business publication explains that this executive attributes his success to Transcendental Meditation, which he has practised for 35 years.

In a video interview and other publications, he explained why he has made a donation of $1.23 million to David Lynch's charity, which supports the teaching of Transcendental Meditation to young people worldwide, and why he pays for all his employees to learn the Transcendental Meditation Technique.

'I think it's the single most important reason for whatever success I've had . . . . I notice a difference from the moment I start to meditate. I can be stressed or tired, and immediately I will get very rested and relaxed and the stress will flow off me. I'll finish meditation feeling refreshed and centered, and that feeling will carry throughout the day.' He adds that this is quite a good return 'on an investment of twenty minutes'.

Another business leader who is a TM fan, the article adds, is Bob Jones, CIO of a leading global investment bank.

This story was featured in Transcendental Meditation News - UK.

Related post:
Tupperware chief: Transcendental Meditation is secret to leadership.

© Copyright 2010 Transcendental Meditation News - United Kingdom

Global Good News comment:

For the good news about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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