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US: Washington, DC green real estate developer 'works smarter not harder'

Transcendental Meditation Program for Women Professionals -
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6 March 2010

Marnie Abramson is a principal and third-generation owner of The Tower Companies, the largest green real estate developer in the Washington, DC area. In 2008, Ms. Abramson received the Women Who Mean Business award from the Washington Business Journal, and was named one of the '35 most influential people under 35' by a prominent DC real estate publication. Transcendental Meditation has been a way for her 'to come back into myself' and to 'work smarter not harder'.

With a background in investment banking, a BA in communications, and an MBA in finance, Ms. Abramson focuses specifically on the costs and benefits of green buildings. She is an active public speaker, educating businesses, brokers, government groups, and others about eco-progressive real estate. She participates in local, national, and international expert panels, and has provided public testimony for green building legislation in Maryland and the District of Columbia.

Featured as one of a group of professional women whose comments appear on the tmwomenprofessionals website, Ms Abramson has 'a million things that are always going on at any given time. In the past, I found I could get very caught up in that madness. If you have twenty things going on in your head and there's no way to organize that, it feels very frenetic, and I spent a lot of energy for a very little bit of output.'

Many people within her company had been doing Transcendental Meditation for a long time and were very positive about their experiences, so she decided to try it.

'What I really needed was a way to come back into myself', she says, 'to quiet my mind a little bit so that I could focus. TM practice settles me down and helps me be more organized. There's a famous business phrase, ''Work smarter not harder.'' I think that is really what the Transcendental Meditation program has done for me.

'I would say that arranging a TM course for your employees is probably the fastest, easiest, and least expensive way of getting more out of your workers than you could ever imagine.'

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