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David Lynch addresses the investment media on his Consciousness-Based Education foundation

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8 May 2007

Dr David Lynch, renowned filmmaker and benefactor in the field of education, recently spoke to members of the investment media in New York on what prompted him to start the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace.

Having heard so many stories about the state of the schools in the world, and the extreme stress and trouble afflicting students, Dr Lynch visited a school offering Consciousness-Based Education in Fairfield, Iowa, USA and saw students there filled with inner happiness and self-confidence.

'They are so strong,' he said, 'so much themselves.' Along with the regular curriculum, all they are doing is learning the Transcendental Meditation Technique, and what happens as a side-effect is that negative things start to recede. 'Fear goes, anger goes, hate goes ... it lifts away and an inner strength, inner happiness comes.'

Dr Lynch compared those students who are in so much trouble, to what he saw in Fairfield. 'It's like night and day. So I say, here is a solution. It's right there. It's waiting for us.'

The Foundation is raising funds now for students who want to have Cosnciousness-Based Education anywhere in the world.

Peace, real peace, is not just the absence of war, said Dr Lynch. It is the absence of negativity. When students start to experience the Unified Field (the fundamental level of total Natural Law, which is accessible in human consciousness) through Transcendental Meditation, all avenues of life get better and better.

This has been the personal experience of Dr Lynch. Just two weeks after learning Transcendental Meditation 34 years ago, his own accumulation of anger lifted. He didn't try to make it go, he said. He just practised his meditation twice a day, and the anger lifted. Now, he wants to help promote this effect for the troubled students of today.

The David Lynch Foundation is now a year and a half old, and the word is spreading fast. Transcendental Meditation is now in Native American schools, inner city schools, private schools, charter schools, and public schools in the US, and they are writing letters to the Foundation all saying the same kinds of things: 'I'm happier, I'm happier'; 'Robert is now listening to me!'; 'John isn't acting up in the school any more.'

All this knowledge is easier for the students to take in, and school becomes a beautiful experience for them, simply by enlivening the field of Unity within during Transcendental Meditation.

Using one of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's favourite analogies, that of a tree, Dr Lynch described how solving the problem of a sick tree on the level of the leaves, doesn't help the situation at all. 'Water the root,' he said, 'Get to the bottom, the source. Enliven that, and the whole tree comes up. It's a natural thing.'

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