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Businessman finds energy, relaxation through Transcendental Meditation
by Steve Ames

Moorpark Acorn    Translate This Article
22 November 2006

On 22 November 2006 Moorpark Acorn reported: 'Almost 35 years ago, when Paul Squillo came across a Scientific American magazine article about the Transcendental Meditation programme of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, he had no idea how greatly the technique would affect his daily living.' It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of business.

Moorpark, California resident and co-head of the Maharishi Enlightenment Center in Ventura, California, Squillo said that learning Transcendental Meditation became a 'turning point in his life'.

The Moorpark Acorn reported that 'Twenty minutes of TM time twice a day both relaxes and energizes (Squillo) in his daily tasks.'

The article explained that 'After initially wondering, ''Where am I going to find 20 minutes twice a day?'' Squillo found that TM became a practical part of his life. He discovered that ''you get more done in six hours than you used to get done in eight. For me, maybe it was because my mind was better focused and less distracted.'''

The article quoted Squillo as saying, 'The idea is you're adding this deep rest into your program of daily activity so that you're rested and alert all the time. You don't have to get overtired ever, which is another nice thing.'

'The adoption of TM to gain deep rest and contact with that inner reservoir of creativity, energy and intelligence has made many small differences in Squillo's lifestyle,' the Acorn reported.

'I guess it's the stability in that my baseline happiness comes from deep inside of me,' he was quoted as saying. 'It doesn't matter if I lose a sale or something else might go wrong. It's that my self-worth and my value are constant. I'm always feeling that kind of enjoyment from the inside.'

The benefits of practising TM include deep relaxation, the elimination of stress, good health, increased creativity and intelligence, and inner happiness and fulfilment, the article stated.

Patricia Young, the other head of Ventura's Maharishi Enlightenment Center, was quoted by the Acorn as saying, 'One of the important things to know is that there has been more documentation about it (TM) than any other form of meditation, self development (or) realization techniques.'

Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law based—Total Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting state of world peace.

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