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Peaceful Mind, Peaceful World
by Debbie Thompson

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10 May 2018

A rare Facebook Live talk by Dr. Tony Nader on the power of transcending

Why are we here? What is the purpose of it all? And how can we do the best? How can we do all that we can for ourselves, the people we love, our communities, and society as a whole?

These are some of the questions explored by Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.R.R., the MIT- and Harvard-trained neuroscientist and head of the international TM organizations, in a rare 30-minute Facebook Live talk on Sunday, April 15, 2018.

Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.R.R.

Watch Dr. Nader's talk on Facebook (starts at 11:07 mark)

Yoga of the Mind

In the rebroadcast video, he addresses these questions in terms of both the ''software'' of the mind and the ''hardware'' of the body. He explains how transcending, especially with the Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) technique, effortlessly allows us to explore the Self, the source of all creativity, intelligence, and peace within.

''TM is an effortless technique of yoga of the mind,'' Dr. Nader says. ''TM is the supreme level of yoga. It takes the mind from the surface, guided by its own nature, without manipulation or effort, and goes inward toward the Self. We are all motivated by a search for more and more. The reality of consciousness, of the depth of the mind, is our true inner Self.''

The Power of a Peaceful Mind

The process of transcending results in a state of very profound rest that relieves deep fatigue as well as mental and physical stress; it thereby leads to improved health, productivity, and social and global interaction.

'A peaceful mind that creates right decisions creates a more positive collective consciousness,' Dr. Nader explains. 'Like a neuron in the brain, each individual consciousness together creates a collective consciousness, so when we improve individually, we also improve collectively.''

Dr. Nader's talk concludes with a lively, 15-minute Q&A on such topics as anxiety, free will, addictions, and more, including the brain physiology of being ''in the zone'' or in a 'flow' state.

Follow Dr. Nader on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

SOURCE: Enjoy TM News

Copyright © 2018 Maharishi Foundation USA

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