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What is heart disease and how can we reverse it? Lead author of new meditation study explains
by Global Good News staff writer

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27 November 2012

A new study,* sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and published in a journal of the American Heart Association,* found that the practice of Transcendental Meditation lowers incidence of heart attack, stroke, and death by nearly 50%.

Robert Schneider, MD, FACC, the lead researcher, explained the implications and specifics of the study, but first he described more about what heart disease is.

He showed a graphic of a heart with a cross section of an artery to illustrate his explanation, and also drew on his expert knowledge of Maharishi Ayurveda health care.

'The heart is the central organ in everyone. . . . In Ayurvedic physiology it has an even more important function as the centre of our own mind and body, even the seat of consciousness. In the traditional Ayurvedic literature it was closely connected with the brain,' said Dr Schneider.

He went on to explain the function of the heart from the point of view of modern medicine.

'The blood supply to the heart itself comes from these arteries called coronary arteries. . . . These are very tiny, about one millimetre in diameter, but they are the most vulnerable parts of the human body. When they get blocked, that causes a heart attack. When these arteries are blocked in the brain, that causes a stroke.'

Dr Schneider pointed out the graphic of an artery.

He said, 'The artery is blocked by cholesterol plaque, and then that cholesterol plaque can . . . eventually form a clot. Together, this plaque clot blocks the artery. [As a result] a person can get angina or chest pain and when [blockage is] complete, you get a heart attack. Part of the heart is blocked and doesn't get blood or oxygen and that's when part of the heart dies. If [that part] is large enough, the whole organism suffers and dies.'

Dr Schneider pointed out that heart disease is the most common cause of mortality in the world today.

This explanation set the stage for the next part of his speech, in which he explained the significance of the new study on heart disease and Transcendental Meditation, sponsored by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, a part of NIH.

* The study was published 13 November 2012 in the American Heart Association journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.

Copyright © 2012 Global Good News

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